Czech nature is rich and diverse, but also contains many vulnerable species. These species need active protection. There is an action plan which contains guidelines for nature conservation authorities, researches and owners of land how to maintain endangered species populations. It is a special tool which provides complex knowledge of species and recommends the measures how to support the species. Long-stalked Pondweed (Potamogeton praelongus) is specially protected species therefor the “Action Plan for Long-stalked Pondweed” was prepared in 2003. Project meets target of the state environmental policy of the Czech Republic for 2012-2020. Main objective of the project is implementation of the action plan in regions Kokořínsko, Českolipsko and Poorličí by monitoring and three research studies: generative reproduction and biology of germination, genetic variation and influence of herbivorous organisms on growth and vitality of the species – in all domestic areas of species occurrence. The project includes study trip to Norway to share knowledge and experiences with partner from donor country. Project outcomes are increasing of the species population by breeding individuals and broadening knowledge of the status and structure of population in the area. Project outputs are data from monitoring of species, plants form ex situ cultivation and repatriation, results of three studies and study trip to Norway. The project includes publicity and beyond discussion at schools, with public and print of publication. Target group is primarily a species and nature-conservation authorities. There is a project partner from donor countries: Agder naturmuseum og botaniske habe in Kristiansand, and two local partners: Palacky University Olomouc, Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic, contributing to the project by their expertness and experiences.
Summary of project results
The P. praelongus (Potamogeton praelongus Wulfen) is a critically endangered aquatic plant species in the Czech Republic, surviving at its last native site in an oxbow lake of the Orlice River in Malšova Lhota near the city of Hradec Králové. One of the goals of the rescue programme was establishing several (3–6) new populations of P. praelongus in areas of its former occurrence (the Orlice, Ploučnice, Labe basins). Not only flood plains, but also oxbows, parts of rivers with slow stream, revitalized ponds and sandy lakes were considered. It was also important to assess the shadow intensity and presence of competitively stronger species, expanding littoral species, or herbivore fish and ducks. If a locality fulfilled these requirements, discussion with owners and tenants about possibility of reintroduction of P. praelongus started. After their approval, P.praelongus was planted into the bottom sediment. Some of the reintroductions were not successful; other localities were then chosen following the same rules. A regular monitoring concerning size and vitality of populations of P. praelongus and other macrophytes started in the localities with successful reintroduction. All planned activities have been implemented. Collecting the informations from population monitoring, habitat, germination tests, growth experiments, conclusions were drawn about the life cycle of the species, the critical phases of its development and the optimal conditions for its growth. All research findings, including a foreign trip to Norway, were elaborated and evaluated in a publication from the project, continuously presented on lectures and lectures, on the website The results of the project were confronted with the experience of foreign colleagues from Sweden, who have already carried out several years of rescue activities at Lake Trummen near Växjo, where they use the long-lived rdest species as an umbrella species. The project indicators have been fulfilled, but the species conservation depends on the specific measures at the occurrence of the species and especially on the regulation of the management of the water areas and watercourses throughout the Czech Republic.
Summary of bilateral results
In July 2015, we organized a trip abroad to the northern part of P. praelongus. In Norway, we visited 15 lakes and 1 river site. At 14 of the selected lakes, P. praelongus was found. This species was not found on Lake Graurvatnet and in the Raudvasselv river site. The studied lakes were located at latitudes between the 60th and 67th northern latitude and the 9th and 15th eastern latitudes at altitudes of 40-540 m above sea level. Most lakes offered mesotrophic conditions for water and wetland organisms. The aquatic vegetation was richly developed here, with the transparency not falling below 1 m. Excavations abroad contributed to our understanding of ecological claims of the species in natural conditions for its growth.