Preparation of expert documents for the decision if create action plans for specially protected species shoreweed, smooth cat's-ear and hairy stonecrop

Project facts

Project promoter:
Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic
Project Number:
Target groups
Researchers or scientists,
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 27,090
The project is carried out in:
Czech Republic


Czech nature is rich and diverse but there is a list of endangered species. An intense help is framed in documents giving basic information and instructions how to treat the most endangered species - “action plan”, which is suitable for a limited group of species meeting the requirements. For some species new information is needed first. Shoreweed (Littorella uniflora), smooth cat's-ear (Hypochaeris glabra) and hairy stonecrop (Sedum villosum) are species for a decision on the need to prepare their action plans were recommended in the conceptual document. Project meets target of the state environmental policy of the Czech Republic for 2012-2020. The main objective of the project is creation of expert documents for nature-conservation authorities to begin active protection of three plant species. Project aims to confirm domestic species occurrence, including monitoring of their populations and field survey. Project outcomes are improving knowledge of the species occurrence and preparation of the expert documents. Majority of project measures consists of field research and gathering published data regarding the species leading to precise and complex compilation of expert document. Project outputs are review of information sources including identifying historical and recent sites of occurrence. In the field there will be mapped and monitored all known sites and identified places for potential reintroduction. For shoreweed soil seed bank will be studied and cultivation ex situ will be created. For hairy stonecrop reproduction and soil seed bank will be studied. Project includes publicity. The target group of the project is primarily a Ministry of Environment and species. Secondarily, the protection and connected activities will carry out the influence over the general public via education. There are two local partners: University of South Bohemia and Institute of Botany of the ASCR, contributing to the project by their expertness and experiences.

Summary of project results

The project focused on three critically endangered species (Littorella uniflora, Hypochaeris glabra and Sedum villosum) and its objective was to gather knowledge of these species, on the basis of which a decision could be taken to establish action plans for them. With respect to the great decline of historical sites and the diminishing populations of these species at the existing sites, action plans appear to be a suitable tool to preserve them in the Czech Republic. However, the species were established as insufficiently known, and therefore it is necessary to first gain new knowledge of their occurrence and ecology. Littorella uniflora: Monitoring of Recent Sites Research in Biology and Distribution Proposed Sites for Reintroductio: For comprehensive results, see the study entitled Analysis of the Current Occurrence of and Threats to Littorella uniflora in the Czech Republic and the Preparation of Underlying Documents for a Possible Action Plan (czech version only). Hypochaeris glabra Monitoring of Recent Sites Proposed Historical Sites with a Potential for Recent Occurrence Review of the Proposed Historical Sites Identification of Ecological Parameters at the Prospective New Sites Phytosociological releves and soil samples were taken at the two new sites and individual plants were counted. For comprehensive results, see the study entitled Analysis of the Current Threats to Hypochaeris glabra in the Czech Republic and the Preparation of Underlying Documents for a Possible Action Plan (czech version only). Sedum villosum Monitoring of Recent Sites Historical Distribution Proposed Sites for Reintroduction Reproduction and Seed Bank Identification of Ecological Requirements of the Species For comprehensive results, see the study entitled Analysis of the Current Threats to Sedum villosum in the Czech Republic and the Preparation of Underlying Documents for a Possible Action Plan (czech version only). All results:…

Summary of bilateral results