Czech nature is rich and diverse but there is a list of endangered species. An intense help is framed in documents giving basic information and instructions how to treat the most endangered species. Such a document, usually for a species, less often for a group, is called an “action plan”. The Marsh Angelica (Angelica palustris) is specially protected species therefore the “Action Plan for Marsh Angelica” was prepared in the year 2000. In 2013 there has been prepared an evaluation with recommendation of updating the text and continuing with implementation of the action plan. The project meets the target of the “State Environmental Policy of the Czech Republic from 2012 to 2020” and the objective of the “Updated State Programme of Nature and Landscape of the Czech Republic”. The main objective of the project is preparation of the “Updated Action Plan for Marsh Angelica”. As a part of the project new knowledge about species and ways of its protection will be found and recent text of species action plan will be updated. The project outcomes are improving of knowledge about species and update its action plan. Majority of measures of the project consists of gathering published data regarding the species leading to drafting of necessary measures in the new action plan needed to preserve the species. The project outputs are review of literature and other information sources. The target activity is writing and compilation of the action-plan text. Project will also include part of publicity. The target group of the project is primarily a species and nature-conservation authorities. Secondarily, the protection and connected activities will carry out the influence of the general public via education. There’s no project partner from donor countries but one local partner - Sagittaria. The partner is contributing to the project by its expertness and experiences.
Summary of project results
Overall project summary and impact on the species of interest This project project fulfiled expected goals and outputs and was officially ended as of March 31st 2017. The main contribution, in our opinion, lies in the revision and update of the Action Plan, whose original text is from the year 2000 and does not correspond with current requirements of Action Plans' implementation and species protection. Ensuring protection of Marsh Angelica and reaching the set goals – that is maintaining marsh Angelica (Angelica palustris) in the Czech Republic as a wild-growing plant – will be easier based on the newly set measures. Crucial is keeping the species at its last recent locality in the Czech Republic (National Nature Monument Hrdibořiské rybníky) and creating two other viable populations at historical sites. Project Objective and Scope: The objective of this project was to prepare a revision of the action plan for the Marsh Angelica (Angelica palustris). As this action plan has been going on for over 10 years now, most of the relevant information is already available. This project therefore focused mainly on actual preparation of the revised text of this action plan. The revision of the action plan is based on an assessment of the action plan for 2000–2012. The project consisted of reviewing the original action plan. The revised plan is prepared in accordance with the Guidelines for the Preparation of Action Plans for Endangered Plant Species (Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic and NCA CR, 2014: Concept of Action Plans and Management Plans for Endangered Animal and Plant Species in the Czech Republic). Based on current trends in the protection of Marsh Angelica the revised action plan defines new objectives for the key measures and outlines its direction for the upcoming years. The chapter entitled “Plan of Measures of the Action Plan” will be used as the basis to implement the action plan in the following years. The revision was done by the long-term executive of the plan, Mgr. Michal Krátký and the coordinator of the plan at NCA CR, Mgr. Eliška Blažejová. After an internal review, the draft was also submitted for review to two external experts in the branch. Comments from the reviewers were subsequently addressed and suggestions for changes were incorporated into the finished text of the action plan. A summary of the revised text of the action plan for Marsh Angelica is available for download here:
Summary of bilateral results