One of the country's vulnerable species is the European Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus citellus). An action plan for the species was prepared in 2007 as part of protection measures. Causes of endangered: The loss of suitable biotopes (eg due to grassland lagging or field merging into larger units), the isolation of populations which due to can not occur necessary metapopulation dynamics , the lack of maintenance of low grassland. The main objective of the project is the implementation of the action plan by management of grasslands in the Medlánky area, one of the habitat areas of occurrence of the species. The project outcome is increasing of the quality of species habitat. The project output is quality and regular management of grassland by mowing in Medlánky area. The number of European Ground Squirells is estimated to be about 150 individuals. This colony is very important in terms of its abundance, as it belongs among the ten largest populations of European Ground Squirell in the Czech Republic. Appropriate management for the European Ground Squirrelis to maintain a short grassland (ideally not exceeding 15 cm in height over the seasonal activity of these animals). If the grass is over 15cm, the animals will lose sight of the surrounding environment and become very vulnerable to predators. The aim of the project is to create such favorable living conditions (be mowing grass) for the European Ground Squirrel in the area of Brno - Medlánky Airport, which would significantly help its further spread and thus increase the number of the local colony. Mowing grass - This activity has within the European ground squirrel action plan high priority. The project will also include publicity measures. The target group of the project is primarily a species and nature-conservation authorities. Secondarily, the protection and connected activities will carry out the influence over the general public via education.
Summary of project results
The Czech nature has a diverse flora and fauna, yet many of its species are classified as vulnerable. These species need active protection to avoid extinction. One of the country's vulnerable species is the European Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus citellus). An action plan for the species was prepared in 2007 as part of protection measures. This action plan contributes to the targets set in he state environmental policy of the Czech Republic for 2012-2020. The main objective of the project was the implementation of the action plan by management of grasslands in the Medlánky area, one of the areas of occurrence of the species. During the months of May, June, July, August and September was done mowing the grass always an area of 11.9 hectares The aim of the project was to create such favorable living conditions (be mowing grass) for the European Ground Squirrel in the area of Brno - Medlánky Airport, which would significantly help its further spread and thus increase the number of the local colony. Mowing grass - This activity has within the European ground squirrel action plan high priority. The project was also include publicity measures, which was a creating a websites about project. The website has helped inform the public about the protection of the European Ground Squirrel of its occurrence at Brno airport. Thanks to this, people will know that European Ground Squirrel is a species that is endangered and its protected is need. Before the project realisation were on project area about 500 individuals of European Ground Squirrel.After the project realisation is on project area about 600 individuals of European Ground Squirrel according to evaluation report from 2016. All planned activities were fulfilled and quality of species habitat has been increased. After end of this project the management of grasslands will continue at least five years.
Summary of bilateral results