Implementation of the Action Plan for Scarce Fritillary for 2015-2016

Project facts

Project promoter:
Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff,
Researchers or scientists
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 27,206
The project is carried out in:
Czech Republic


Czech nature is rich and diverse but also contains many species threatened by different reasons. These species need an active protection. A guidelines for nature conservation authorities, researches and owners of land how to maintain species populations – an action plan – can be approved by Ministry of Environment. The action plan is a special tool which contains complex knowledge of species and recommends the measures how to support it. The Scarce Fritillary (Euphydryas maturna) is specially protected species therefor the “Action Plan for Scarce Fritillary” was prepared in the year 2011, meeting the target of the state environmental policy of the Czech Republic for 2012-2020. The main objective of the project is the implementation of the action plan by habitats management and monitoring in the Dománovický forest in area of the village Radovesnice (the only one area of the species occurrence in the Czech Republic) and by identifying potential sites for repatriation in southern Moravia and central Bohemia. The project outcomes are increasing of the species population and intensive care about species habitats in the last occurrence site. Main project output is quality management of forest by reconstruction of selected part of forest including plantation and paring. Other outputs are identifying potential sites for repatriation and results of two studies and data from species monitoring. Important part is cooperation with owners of the forest. Project will also include part of publicity and beyond participation on conferences. The target group of the project is primarily the species and nature-conservation authorities. Secondarily, the protection and connected activities will carry out the influence over the general public via education.

Summary of project results

The main objective of this project is to provide, by means of various management interventions, a sufficient area of biotope necessary for the critically endangered butterfly the Scarce Fritillary (Euphydryas maturna), thus achieving stabilisation of its currently last Czech population in the ‘Domanovicky les’ Special Area of Conservation. If the stabilisation is successful, the action plan anticipates repatriations of the species to suitable sites formerly inhabited by the butterfly. The project also includes further measures, namely monitoring and research, which contribute to proper administration and development of the action plan. Project activities: Reconstruction of a Selected Forest Stand Forest management is the key type of measure when a sufficient area of a suitable biotope for the Scarce Fritillary is to be provided. Reconstruction of selected forest stands is a measure in which young spruce stands will be removed and replaced by planting oak and ash. This will improve the condition and expand the area of suitable sites for the target species. However, our objective is not only to expand the suitable sites but also to maintain continuity of the occurrence of the species with respect to the ongoing succession. And more. Evaluating the impact of the project Reconstruction of the stands as well as monitoring are a kind of measures implemented within the framework of the action plan for Scarce Fritillary, therefore they are not a one-time activity but will be followed by other activities of care for browns. Areas of reconstructed stands will continue to be monitored by NCA Czech Republic employees and, if their development deviates from the required status, the necessary interventions will be carried out. Also, the monitoring of Scarce Fritillary will continue to be carried out, both by the capture method and by the transsection method. Funding of these measures will be implemented from relevant national sources.

Summary of bilateral results