The current state of the international political negotiations concerning emission reduction is one of the reasons why there is a need to quickly develop a response, also in the Czech Republic. Whereas the emission reduction can be significantly controlled with normative measures in combination with other forms of motivation, such approach is problematic in the case of adaptations. The objective of the project is to create an information system that would centralize the available scientific knowledge and adaptation instructions and to verify it in an experimental operation. This will be achieved through an on-line database, summarizing information about the climate change impacts, related information system and a targeted information campaign. Capacity building and qualification raising is aimed at the public administration staff. The Donor partner is the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Its work includes research focused on environmental science. It will participate in the preparation of project scientific databases and in verification of certain methods. The partnership can bring sound exchange of experience and best practice, which would be applied in the respective partner country.
Summary of project results
Before the project was implemented, there had been no information portal in the Czech environment that would allow to find out specific information on climate change and above all on changes that are realistically expected in any place in the Czech Republic. The emergence of the portal changed this situation. Such a complex project has raised the attention of not only the media which has resulted in a number of newspaper, radio and television performances as well as the interest of the professional public. As a result of the collaboration, a number of scientific papers were prepared and published, based on the links and the combination of collected data. The full publicity benefits of the project will be assessed in the 2020 horizon but it is already clear that the projected outputs have been exceeded. The CzechAdapt project was primarily aimed at representatives of the state administration and self-government (especially the professionals of these public institutions who are responsible for the elaboration and updating of conceptual documents and strategies). The fact that this aspect has been accomplished can be documented on the following facts: a) The results of the project contributed to nominating CzechAdapt team members to oppose the National Action Plan on Adaptation to Climate Change which CzechGlobe officially opposed; b) The Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic personally showed the results of the project and a seminar was held at the Ministry of Agriculture; c) The key findings were reconsidered on the requested lectures for the top and middle management of these state institutions: State Land Office (October 2016, Pilsen); Central Agricultural Control and Testing Institute (February 2017, Hrotovice); Ministry of Agriculture (April, 2017); Environmental Department of the South Moravian Region (June 2016; July 2017).
Summary of bilateral results
Cooperation with the Norwegian partner was established under the previous project "COST". As part of this project (CzechAdapt) the Norwegian partner used his extraordinary and long-term experience at the leading workplaces in Europe, research into the impacts of climate change and possible adaptation measures. He contributed very much by participation in the preparation of project databases but also by the verification of some methods especially in the area of snow cover, frost damage to plants and the impact of climate change on the key parameters in Norway. The Norwegian partner was also involved in the development of the monitoring system and early warning system. The cooperation on the preparation of an English version of the information system as well as the publicity of the project was also beneficial. As part of the joint activities, a joint workshop was held in As and a joint conference in Brno. Consultation meetings were held in Brno as well as in As, Oslo and Bergen. Several conference papers were produced and two articles are being prepared to be offered to IF magazines. Currently, collaboration on shared publications and expanding the number of served stations continues. Partners will apply for support in the next programming period.