The purpose of the proposed project is to start and develop the process of preparation of the city adaptation strategy and design and assessment of appropriate adaptation measures in selected pilot urban areas of big cities - Prague, Brno, Plzen in the Czech Republic under support of ecosystem based approaches. Partial objectives of the project will include assessment of risks and vulnerabilities connected with climate change on the local urban level, identification of relevant adaptation measures in cooperation with involved entities, quantification of costs and benefits of the preferred adaptation measures, preparation and formulation of city adaptation strategies following the "Strategy of Adaptation to Climate Change under Specific Conditions of the Czech Republic" and commencement of the process of implementation of the adaptation strategy and the related measures. The project preparation stage will include involvement of a wide spectrum of partners who will contribute to the process of strategy preparation, vulnerability assessment, participative sessions, information support, testing of individual approaches etc. The purpose of the project in the pilot cities will be commencement of a discussion about preparation of adaptation strategies, identification of appropriate measures, examples of correct practice and professional, information and methodological support to the pilot cities in their adaptation to climate change. The proposed project supports development of bilateral cooperation between the applicant from the Czech Republic and the Icelandic partner, the Institute for Sustainability Studies of the Iceland University. The cooperation will further contribute to development of knowledge base in the area of impact of climate change, adaptation and development of adaptation measures and will inspire capacity building in this area.
Summary of project results
The main contribution of the UrbanAdapt project was launching of a process of adaptation to climate change in pilot cities (Prague, Pilsen and Brno). As part of the UrbanAdapt project, the individual steps of the adaptation cycle (stakeholder engagement, risk and vulnerability assessment, identification and assessment of adaptation needs and measures, draft adaptation strategies, adaptation monitoring system) were implemented, resulting in an adaptation strategy for each pilot city. Cities with these adaptation development documents continue to work and integrate adaptation issues into their decision-making processes. In Pilsen and Brno, the issue of adaptation is incorporated into the broader strategies of cities - the Strategic Plan of the City of Pilsen, the Strategy for Brno 2050. In Prague was formed a separate Strategy of Adaptation of Prague. The UrbanAdapt project contributed to the analytical part of the adaptation strategy of the City of Prague. Other benefits include raising awareness and building capacities of workers (eg city representatives, city authorities, draftsmen of conceptual documents and strategies, decision-makers within cities and their contributory organizations) on climate change and urban adaptation. During the project a number of participatory seminars, excursions for representatives of cities, international conferences were held. At the same time, interdisciplinary cooperation between scientists, both at national and international level, was strengthened in the field of environmental protection and adaptation to climate change
Summary of bilateral results
Collaboration and sharing experience with the Icelandic partner (ISS) in the course of the project was carried out both in the form of e-mail communication and in the implementation of joint complementary activities of BFB, involving the ISS in the implementation of the final conference or by sharing the example of adaptation measures in the preparation of Adaptation to Climate Change in Cities: measures. Joint experiences have been shared, particularly in the area of risk analysis and the development of adaptations in cities, risk reduction management and climate resilience. Given the specifics of Iceland, the case study conducted in the Reykjavik region focused on flood risks in the city due to excessive rainfall and sea level rise. The aim was to provide information to vulnerable municipalities. The Coast Vulnerability Index (biophysical and socio-economic) has been developed to assess the vulnerability of the wider area of Reykjavik. Three complementary iniciatives were carried out: EHP-CZ02-BFB-1-048-2015 Mapping ecosystem services conference, EHP-CZ02-BFB-1-052-2015 Study visit focused on the sharing and transfer of knowledge in the area of ecosystem services and adaptations on Climate Change and EHP-CZ02-BFB-1-053-2015 Supporting the Icelandic-Czech Partnership in the Field of Adaptations to Climate Change.