The proposed project aims to increase the public awareness and the awareness of professional bodies about the hydrological and ecological functioning of the agricultural landscape and the possibilities of improving its ecosystem services during the different modes of its use in relation to the dynamics of natural factors. Through popular educational means the roles of various segments of the landscape will be explained in terms of the impact on the water cycle processes, water quality, water quantity, soil erosion, floods, droughts and related responses of ecosystems in terms of the circulation of water, nutrients and biodiversity. Mutual awareness between those performing various activities in the country will be deepened through the organisation of seminars and workshops with the participation of project developers and external experts. Therefore the project aims at the optimal consistency of citizens' interests (farmers, land owners, students), government and river basin management in connection with the operation of water and soil in the landscape under various scenarios of land use in the basin and the weather conditions with regard to various landscape roles, such as the protection of biologically valuable sites, agriculture, ecosystem services or urban functions.
Summary of project results
The project was motivated by observations from both global and national debates on the need to reconcile often conflicting objectives stemming from binding documents dealing with landscape protection and the extent and form of landscape activities. The submitted project also responded to the manifestations of incomparable attitudes of various entities dealing with different forms of landscape care, often based on different levels of awareness. The objectives of the project were achieved according to the plan. In the long run, the project solution has helped to raise awareness of the issues at stake both on the target groups (teachers, farmers, state administration) and solving teams (feedback from target groups, cooperation with Norwegian partners). Five outputs of the project (studies) were realized, from which 5 articles were made. Project studies will be used mainly as an internal information resource for further work on the topic. Articles based on studies are intended for the wider professional public depending on the periodical in which they were published. Main benefits of the project: - Development and deepening of constructive discussion between representatives of agricultural subjects and state administration - Raising awareness among the target groups about the topics being explored - Increasing professional insight and the possibility of implementing follow-up projects by partner organizations and the professional public The results and findings from the project are currently being used in the framework of the ordering of the order "Preparation of Lists of Type A Measures for Area Agricultural Pollution Locations for Partial Waters Plans" (Solution Period 2016-2019, Contracting Authority of the Vltava River Basin).
Summary of bilateral results
Cooperation with NIBIO has continued on earlier collaboration between the METCENAS Director and Bioforsk researchers. Within the LaPlaNt project NIBIO participated in project meetings and workshops, to which Norwegian partners contributed with their expert and factual comments. Based on both past and current experience, cooperation with NIBIO is planned also in future project activities. During the LaPlaNt project, representatives of the Norwegian partner actively participated in the relevant project activities (2, 4 and 5). As part of Action 2, a common result and output was developed - study and article Perceptions of Secondary School Students' Towards Environmental Services: A Case Study from Czechia, in Activity 4 was a joint output of the LaPlaNt Brief information brochure. The Norwegian partners co-created the concept of questionnaire survey management and detailed the way and methods of evaluating and visualizing data from pilot sites and, where possible, contributed by comparing with similar results from Norway. NIBIO partners helped to design and finalize LaPlaNt Brief output in the form of a comprehensive document containing the most important results of the project, highlighting the main messages and ideas in the sphere of strategies and concepts of the Czech Republic's agricultural and water policy. cooperation