Current efforts in preservation and renewal of a high level of biodiversity lead to the reintroduction of historic processes of forest exploitation in small parts of the forest land, especially in nature protection zones. The purpose of the project is to use current knowledge gained by long-term research for the compilation of a catalogue on procedures to increase biodiversity in forests, including an evaluation of impact of these measures. The catalogue should include at least the following parts: the measure and its brief description; possible applications; and an example of a territory with a suitable application, or a territory where the measure has already been applied. A demonstration object will be selected for the most important measures for detailed future monitoring: methodology of the measure implementation; assessment of impact of the measure on biodiversity of selected indication groups of species; appropriateness of the application in the context of protection of species, selected ecosystems and natural processes; and assessment of impact of the measure on productive ability of the forest and other forest functions.
Summary of project results
The need to implement this project was mainly due to the lack of comprehensive information on non-standard cultivation measures in forest ecosystems, which are often a condition for the protection of endangered plant and animal species. The impact of individual measures has not yet been fully evaluated. Comprehensive processing of theoretical and practical knowledge is the main benefit of the project. The information processed were used in the development of the "Catalog of Non-Standard Measures for Promotion of Biodiversity" which is the first comprehensive material to evaluate the main measures used in the management of forest ecosystems in protected areas. The issued catalog could be used in the future as a methodical material in the planning and implementation of specific cultivation measures in different types of protected areas at different habitat rates. The practical contribution of this material demonstrates a great interest in this issue by the professional public after the end of the project. By using this output was fulfilled one of the goals of the project. A declaration of interest and using this output by the main target group (nature conservation authorities) ensure the long-term impact of the project. Another significant benefit of the project are demonstration sites which will be beneficial in the future in the research of different components of forest ecosystems in protected areas. During the implementation of the project, it has been shown that in the conditions of the Czech Republic there is a lack of long-term comprehensive research on the impact of cultivation (and other) measures that support biodiversity. Only partial studies of the individual components of forest ecosystems were available. The network of demonstration objects (research areas) could become a basis for the future, long-term, comprehensive research. This research will allow further refinement of individual recommendations.
Summary of bilateral results
The Partnership Contract was concluded with a Norwegian partner (NIBIO) in the first monitoring period. E-mail communication was used to establish contact. At the beginning of the project on 23 April 2015 was held a seminar in which the Norwegian partner representatives presented experiences in the field of biodiversity conservation in Norway. In cooperation with the Norwegian partner a team composed of 4 project's experts went to Norway (Bergen) where was held on 9 - 13 August 2015 an intensive theoretical and practical exchange of knowledge and experience with the research and application of forestry cultivation measures or how to increase biodiversity. During this bilateral cooperation have been gained interesting experiences with the solution of similar issues in Norway (issues of nature conservation through non-interventional management, as well as experience with bioindication groups of organisms). In the future, beneficiary would like to plan and find with NIBIO some new challenges to solve in the field of forestry and environmental protection (maintaining or increasing biodiversity).