Resiliency and adaptation to climate change in regional strategies

Project facts

Project promoter:
Czech Union for Nature Conservation VERONICA
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff,
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 307,351
The project is carried out in:
Czech Republic


Due to the ongoing climate change, existing mitigation and protective measures exhibit a lack of efficiency. It is necessary to switch to a proactive approach that is based on an analysis of potential vulnerabilities in the region, on the adaptation of the society, and thus on the environment influenced by this society. The approach should be using the modern concept of disaster resilience, including the adaptation instead of the existing static concept of resistance to disasters. The main objective of the project is to develop a strategy for the integration of climate change adaptation in the regional development of rural areas and to strengthen resilience. The project is directly linked to national and international strategic documents and will benefit from the synergy of several types of partners, complemented by the intensive cooperation with the Norwegian partner. The target groups are rural communities, civil servants and students.

Summary of project results

In the Czech Republic environment was the programme CZ02 breakthrough in terms of attention and capacity dedicated to addressing the urgency of adapting to climate change. The planned target - formulating the strategy to integrate adaptation to climate change into the regional development of rural areas - has been fulfilled. As a result, the theme of climate change and adaptation measures has reached the main target group - local action groups - in the pilot phase of project implementation. In the long run, there is now a methodology that can be used in rural areas in particular The outcome of the project was to influence the strategies of 24 Local Action Groups as a result of the analysis of vulnerabilities according to the proposed methodology and their taking into account in the strategies of these groups. The outputs of the project were used to achieve the result. In particular, they were outputs of Activity 1 - Communication, Capacity Building, Dissemination. There were organized 10 regional seminars, an exhibition, a collection of best examples and practices, a competition for schools. For the target groups so prepared, consultations were conducted in 24 regions which was the main output of Action 3 - Implementation of a strategy including vulnerability analysis and proposed adaptation measures. In these consultations, the methodology developed as the main output of the Action 2 - Formation of a strategy for adaptation to climate change at the regional level was applied. The Norwegian partner was expertly involved in this part of the project. At the beginning of the project's solution, the issue of climate change, its impacts and projections into strategies were rather marginal in the public administration environment in rural regions. Recent developments in recent years (for example drought threatening from the summer of 2015) have paved the way for more communities and regions to prepare their adaptation strategies. Outputs, experience and expert capacity of the project developers can help them considerably.

Summary of bilateral results

Norwegian partner HiOA - Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Work Research Institute was actively involved in project solving, participated in project meetings, seminars, workshops and final conferences. He participated in the proposal and the questionnaire survey on the attitudes of stakeholders on climate change and adaptation to it and on the preparation of a report summarizing the results of the investigation. The Norwegian partner is the lead author of a published scientific article which was based on its findings (Regional Study and Climate Change Adaptation - A Study of the Role of Legitimacy [European Countryside]). The main contribution of this Norwegian partner's involvement was his expert knowledge of participatory processes for addressing major community problems caused by serious natural or industrial events. As a part of the project, therefore, the adaptation of the Transtep methodology, which was developed by Norwegian partner for the aforementioned situation, was part of the project. There is no further collaboration with this partner since the of end of implementation of the project. However, since the cooperation was excellent during the project and relations very friendly, further project cooperation is not excluded.