The objective of the project is to fill the current gaps in knowledge that lead to a lack of competent decision-making concerning biodiversity protection in the Vysočina Region. The project will include the collection of data on biodiversity and will result in the expert documents that are needed for competent decision-making and for a systematic approach to biodiversity protection. Within the project, there will be separate studies in collaboration with regional institutions, non-profit sector and individual experts. These will focus on 18 selected groups of organisms using their own data collection. The following target groups will benefit from the project: nature protection bodies, professional and amateur scientists and environmentalists, science teaching personnel and the general public interested in nature. The project has no donor partner.
Summary of project results
One of the causes of biodiversity loss is the lack of data on the occurrence of rare, protected and endangered species, leading to unqualified decision-making. The project has helped to reduce this gap in knowledge by adding data to 18 taxonomic groups which was the project's goal. Outputs and Results: printed publications and the project website where both professional and general public will get information on the exceptional nature of a variety of species and localities in the region which will increase the public awareness of biodiversity values. The project outputs have significantly contributed to enhance the overall knowledge of the region's biodiversity and have also made a number of discoveries important for the whole of the Czech Republic.The project results were primarily focused on 5 target groups: 1) For conservation authorities which have the decision-making authority and responsibility to protect the biodiversity of the region of interest as a basis for their decision-making and planning. 2) For both professional and amateur natural scientists who study the interest groups of organisms as a comprehensive and up-to-date basis for their research and the development of given disciplines. 3) For professional and amateur nature conservationists to enable a more systematic approach to biodiversity conservation. 4) For science educators to have up-to-date data on the status and knowledge of interest groups of organisms and to be able to provide relevant information in the course of teaching. 5) For a wide public interested in nature and for raising public awareness of the richness of biodiversity which is a universal value and an important legacy that is still underestimated.
Summary of bilateral results