Green Routes aim to improve the social and environmental standard of the school in this particular area of Kaimakli, next to the Green Line and although centrally in Nicosia, isolated and neglected. The old football yard reflects to the non-strategic planning of the environment of the school, as it has not enough shadows (from trees, kiosks etc) for children and grownups to play and interact during the hot period where the sun exposure is unbearable. There are also issues of social inclusion for migrants and people with lower economical backgrounds who need such a place to have fun during their free time. It is also an action for the good bio climatic of the main building and against climate change as more than a hundred trees will be planted. The sustainability challenge will be achieved with the good marketing of the project of its benefits to the community, with the plantation of tall trees and the establishment of a watering system, with long-lasting materials and conservation from the cooperating authorities.
Summary of project results
The first cycling and environmental event, organised by the Parents Association of the school, was efficient to disseminate the project and its vision to Kaimakli stakeholders children and parents of the school. The second main event 'Come and bring your own tree' was the bigger dissemination activity, beside the publications in the Facebook pages. Before the event, invitations and goals analysis of the project and the funding was sent to most environmental organizations and members of the community. Posters were put in the important buildings of Kaimakli area and schools of Nicosia were informed about the event and invited to participate. Parents Association and Young Volunteers prepared a free breakfast and a program with environmental context for people who came. The event was successful and covered by RIK2 main news and many people commented very positively the whole organisation of the event. The commissioner of Environment and the member of the Parliament made the opening ceremony and planed their own tree in the Green Routes. The goals of the project were highly achieved, as well constructions mentioned were made. The main Green Routes were constructed with more than a hundred trees, people from the community embraced the project and participated highly in the event. Through observation there was the conclusion that the visitors during the afternoons increased and people from the community consider it as an alternative for their afternoon walk.
Summary of bilateral results