Everything is possible

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association 'Mothers against drugs'
Project Number:
Target groups
People with addictions (drug, alcohol, other),
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 34,649
The project is carried out in:
Пловдив / Plovdiv


Overall objective of the project is to improve the practical knowledge and skills of prison staff with the task to improve the social skills and the condition of the inmates Specific objectives: 1. Training of minimum of 100 Plovdiv prison officers, 50 external experts and 3 NGOs and charity foundations for support of vulnerable groups of inmates. 2. Developed a Specialized rehabilitation programme for vulnerable groups among the inmates of Plovdiv prison. 3. Increased capacity of Plovdiv prison staff for implementation of specialized rehabilitation programmes. 4. Supported minimum of 60 inmates for following resocialization through improvement of their social skills and decreased risk of recidivism. The project will increase the competences of the target groups which are Plovdiv prison staff; NGOs and inmates, especially vulnerable groups with focus on Roma minorities, drug abusers and people with psychic disorders.

Summary of project results

The project was developed to support the reform efforts in the Bulgarian penitentiary towards for synchronization with relevant international and European instruments for respecting human rights in prison. The overall objective was to improve practical skills and knowledge of prison staff, to develop social skills of inmates, to cover specific needs of vulnerable groups through training. The trainees among prison staff at Plovdiv prison exceeded the planned number of 100 and led to increased capacity and higher quality of rehabilitation activities. Additionally more then 50 external experts in the field of the penitentiary were also trained on applying the specialized rehabilitation program produced under the project. A large share of the prison inmates in Plovdiv prison were involved in piloting the specialized rehabilitation program as the vulnerable groups` members represented more then the half of the persons (ethnic minorities, people with low intellectual level, drug addicts). Along with the direct results the project contributed to improvement of cooperation between stakeholders at local level involved in providing correctional service. A documentary film was produced and disseminated at local level, focusing on the theatre performance applied as a training method under the project.

Summary of bilateral results