Improving the capacity of the General Directorate “Security” of the Ministry of Justice to fulfil their mandate in line with international human rights standards

Project facts

Project promoter:
General Directorate 'Security'
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 158,936
The project is carried out in:


Bulgaria has been criticised in matters concerning the fairness of the judicial system and violations of human rights especially in the operations of the law-enforcement authoritiesis. The objective of the project is to strengthen the GD Security officers’ capacity to understand and respect human rights and to initiate legislative amendments. The project aimes to enhance the competence of security officers on protection of magistrates and lawful use of force when bringing individuals to judicial authorities through trainings. Following the conduction of roundtables and study visits, a comparative review of European systems and the national legislation will be drafted. The Council of Europe was chosen as a Partner for its recognised expertise in the field of the promotion of human rights and the rule of law and it provided overall advice on the implementation of the Project. The project will benefit GD Security and other national authorities entrusted with similar competences.

Summary of project results

Bulgaria often draws criticism from the European Commission on matters concerning the fairness and effectiveness of the judicial system. The activity of General Directorate Security (GDS) has its share in this regard, as well as to ensure human rights standards compliance. Sustainability will be ensured through lobbying for moving forward of the proposed legislative amendments before the competent authorities. The main objective of the Project was the capacity building of GDS staff and drafting of proposals for amendments to legislation intended to improve the activity of the Directorate and enhance the competence of GDS staff to discharge their duties in line with international standards. The implementation of all planned activities and results is an indication that the Project was successful. Positive impact could be reported in respect to all target groups and on all targeted areas such as, first and foremost - the increased general awareness of human rights. The outcome of the project was totally reached, namely enhanced knowledge on good practices related to physical security of magistrates, compelling the appearance of persons, and international standards for the use of physical force, auxiliary means and arms; Enhanced competence of the staff and understanding on human rights standards. GDS drafted and distributed analyses and summaries on good practices, ensured trainings for its staff and supplied with a Manual of good practices with a focus on human rights aspects and filed two sets of proposal for legislative amendments with the competent authorities. Outputs delivered: comparative analyses drafted (representatives of the European systems are explored); a proposal for legislative amendments filed with the Ministry of Justice; GDS officials have better capacity to deliver on their jobs; good dialogue with national and international organizations tasked with similar competences All GDS security officers providing physical security of magistrates and a good number of GDS security staff carrying out activities for compelled appearance and application of restraining measures participated in trainings. GDS officers participated in study visits , roundtables and expert discussion, expressed their concerns and contributed to the drafting of the manual and the proposal for legislative amendments and accepted them as adequate.

Summary of bilateral results

The Council of Europe supported the implementation of the Project by providing overall advice on the implementation and information on European standards and counterparts, assisting with the planning and organisation of the outputs and the participation of foreign experts in the Project activities. The added value of the cooperation with the Council of Europe is the establishment of a constructive bilateral relationship and network of contacts between local and international experts that may potentially lead to future joint initiatives. The CoE has remained open to discuss potential partnership with the GDS under the Bilateral NFM fund and/or new joint projects.