Multidisciplinary Approach for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings by Transferring Knowledge and Good Practices from Schengen Member States, More Specifically from Norwegian Experience

Project facts

Project promoter:
Foundation European Institute
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 113,261
The project is carried out in:


One of the recommendations for Bulgaria from the United States Department of State Trafficking in Persons Report for 2014 is to “ensure prosecutors supervising trafficking cases receive additional specialized training”. Furthermore, on EU level the adopted in 2012 EU Strategy towards the Eradication of trafficking in human beings (2012-2016) identifies five priorities and one of the priorities is Enhanced coordination and cooperation among key actors and policy coherence.The project complements one of the priorities of the EU strategy (2012-2016) and promotes the application of multidisciplinary approach for combating THB. The objective of the project is to enhance the capacity of Bulgarian state institutions in combating organised crime, specifically trafficking in human beings. The project aims at training only public officials: Border and Migration police officers, prosecutors, judges, experts from State Agency for National Security, National Investigative Service, National and Local Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings. These institutions are part of the Bulgarian National Mechanism for Referral and Support of Trafficked Persons in Bulgaria (NRM) which was adopted in 2010.

Summary of project results

Eight multidisciplinary trainings for Border police officers, Migration Directorate, police unites combating economic crimes, judges, prosecutors, experts from National Investigative Service and, National and Local Commissions for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings were held. The main topics of the conducted trainings refer to the National Policy for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the European standards in combating THB, police and judicial cooperation in the EU, the Norwegian and the Dutch experience in THB, Schengen cooperation, etc. 208 public officials were trained in the above mentioned topics. Furthermore a training for trainers was held within 30 trainers were certified. Through the specialized trainings best practices and knowledge was transferred to relevant officials in the authorities working in the field of Schengen cooperation and combating cross-border and organized crime. Within the project has been developed and disseminated a practical Handbook, that includes topics based on the research assessment and exchanged practices, as well as case law, role games and topics for discussions for further trainings. The Handbook will serve as a main interactive and reference tool for trainings and future reference guide for all the participating institutions. It is translated into Bulgarian and English. The elaborated handbook provides for the sustainability of the results achieved within the project so that further trainings will be ensured.

Summary of bilateral results

The cooperation with FAFO - Norway Institute for applied international studies, during the implementation of the project gives added value to the project results and strengthens the bilateral relations. The partner –FAFO has long-term experience in conducting research in several major research areas including Immigration and Human Trafficking. FAFO Institute contributed to the implementation of project activities by providing knowledge for the social aspects of the crime, as well as the victim’s role in the criminal proceedings. The FAFO expert participated in multidisciplinary trainings and the development of a handbook. The shared best practices can also be applied in future projects between Bulgaria and Norway, as well as in other countries.