Joint Efforts for Combating Cross-border Organized Crime

Project facts

Project promoter:
General Directorate Combating Organized Crime
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 850,696
The project is carried out in:


To enhance the capacity of State Agency for National Security to fight organized and cross-border crime and to promote the coordination, cooperation and mutual understanding among SANS agents, magistrates and the partner countries, in the field of organized crime. Strengthen the cooperation amongst the Bulgarian and partners in law enforcement authorities.

Summary of project results

Cross - border organized crime is considered as one of the major threats for the public security, impeding the social, economic, political and cultural development of societies worldwide. It is a multi-faceted phenomenon and has manifested itself in different activities, such as trafficking in human beings, counterfeiting, cyber crimes, trafficking of cultural goods, firearms and drug trafficking. The fight against cross-border organized crimes (CBOC) requires international and proactive approaches to be applied by all involved institutions.Recognizing the need for a radical counteraction of the organized crime, the project Joint Efforts for Combating Organized Crime Crime was implemented. Under the project a number of workshops and study visits were carried out in Bulgaria, Serbia, Poland, Czech Republic and Rumania on smuggling cultural goods, combatting counterfeiting (esp. skimming) , cybercrime, trafficking in human beings. Over 300 officers, investigators and prosecutors were trained and have acquired knowledge and experience in prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of the listed types of crime. This has resulted in strengthening the capacity of the national authorities and in the improvement of their effectiveness. A variety of new equipment was delivered in order to increase the technical capacity of the units for combating of organized crime (tools of surveillance, hidden penetration and protection of undercover units, tactical helmets and hand held metal detectors, digitals cameras, vehicles, new hard- and soft wear , development of software platform for digitalization of exponents in museums, drone). The delivered equipment is operational and in use. The increased number and type of the specialized technical equipment facilitates and speeds the work of the competent authorities and contributes to more effective investigations.

Summary of bilateral results