No one is safe from domestic violence – information campaign

Project facts

Project promoter:
Nadja Centre Foundation
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 35,566
The project is carried out in:


The project aims at decreasing domestic violence through information campaigns and initiatives for increasing the awareness and knowledge among the Roma and other vulnerable groups. The aim is to prevent domestic violence and promote zero tolerance for such violence. The project outcome is domestic violence reduced. This will be achieved through awareness raising activities with a special focus on the Roma and other vulnerable communities. The target groups are representatives of the Roma community; victims of domestic violence; Roma students; and health mediators; among others. The partners will support and facilitate access to health and social services; attend awareness raising campaigns regarding health information; organize the exchange of experience between the health mediators in the country; improve the health culture of ethnic minorities; increase the capacity and skills of the mediators; and develop new higher quality services in the field of mediation and provisions of health services, etc.

Summary of project results

The project aimed to reduce domestic violence among Roma communities and other vulnerable groups, through information campaigns and events. The planned seminars for trainers - Roma health mediators and students aimed to increase awareness of the Roma and other vulnerable groups. Planned information campaigns and events meant to increase sensitivity to issues of domestic violence and prevention of domestic violence and intolerance to its manifestations. The project had to contribute to increased awareness and knowledge among the Roma community for the existing social and health services and NGOs to turn to in case of need. The activities contributed to the reduction of DV and GBV in Bulgaria. Media representattives were involved through information campaigns and events as well as representatives of state institutions, especially the law enforcement agencies and the social system. The project intended to strengthen cooperation and improve coordination between the state institutions, social and health services and civil society. It is belived taht the project helped for the effective cooperation and adequate response to domestic violence cases. The implementation of the project started with a training seminar for 16 university students (incl. Roma) who afterwards took part in the shooting of eight video clips dealing with different cases of domestic violence. Those video clips were later used in the train the trainers seminar (for health mediators) as well as in the information camping made by the trainees aimed at increasing sensibility and awareness on DV issues among Roma community. Health mediators held more than 260 events at different locations - each of the mediators in the region s/he represented where they managed to involve more than 2 100 Roma individuals coming from different age (17-75 years old) and different sex. Increasing sensibility and awareness on DV issues was also discussed at the roundtable event which was held by the PP with the active participation of professionals in the field coming from the governmental sector as well as from NGOs. PP also had two press-conferences – for the opening and the closure of the project.

Summary of bilateral results