The project outcome is to develop a new GIS platform for provision of green crowdsourcing services and improvement of the environmental performance of GISolutions Ltd. The innovative GIS platform for provision of green crowdsourcing services will consist of web and mobile GIS applications through which the company will provide crowdsourcing GIS services in the fields of:Protecting and restoring eco systems, Waste reduction, Sustainable transportation etc. The green online services that will be provided by the GIS system will support more sustainable waste management and natural resources management. The services will address a range of environmental opportunities including the protection and restoring of eco systems. and waste reduction. Project results to be touched at the end (expected outputs): - A GIS platform for crowdsourcing green services developed; - Data Center established; - "Thin client" architecture installed; - 2 new jobs created.
Summary of project results
The aim of the project was to develop a new GIS platform for provision of green crowdsourcing services and improve the environmental performance of GISolutions Ltd. As a result of the project an innovative GIS platform for provision of green crowdsourcing services was developed and deployed. “Thin client” architecture was also installed which allowed GISolutions Ltd. to reduce approximately 4 times the average power consumption in W over 24 hours per workstation in the office (from 33 to 7,8). Therefore it can be concluded that the project`s objective was achieved to a great extent. In order to achieve the planned results the following main outputs were delivered resulting from the main activities financed by the project: - An innovative GIS platform for crowdsourcing green services was developed and deployed. The GIS platform ( has 273 registered users so far, more than 100 submitted signals, and more than 30 removed eco irregularities within the territory of Bulgaria. As part of the CSR programme of GISolutions Ltd. the developed GIS platform for provision of green crowdsourcing services has been already provided to the “Sofia Green Capital” Initiative Committee which incorporates more than 20 of the leading NGOs in Bulgaria; - Data Center established – the delivered hardware, GIS software, geodata and the developed GIS platform are collocated in a data center in Varna. Thus, GISolutions Ltd. is more energy efficient and has the necessary level of redundancy of the infrastructure for providing crowdsourcing GIS services; - The “Thin client” architecture that was installed as part of the project improves the energy efficiency of the company and leads to a lower environmental impact; - Two new employees were hired in GISolutions Ltd. at the positions of: GIS Expert and Leading GIS Specialist. The two experts are responsible for the back-office operation and work with the GIS system, as well as the CSR programme of the company for provision of green crowdsourcing services.
Summary of bilateral results
The Norwegian good practices on implementation of environmental GIS were shared by the Project partner. GEODATA AS shared good practices for implementation of green crowdsourcing GIS as well as already implemented projects for developing environmental and crowdsourcing Geographic Information systems. The following activities were implemented with the support of the project partner GEODATA AS: - Workshop and system demonstrations preparation; - 2-day visit for a Tech transfer workshop in Sofia; - System design good practices and requirements recommendations document elaboration. The know-how transfer was very important for GISolutions Ltd., on one hand, because it contributed to the project and in particular to the development of the GIS platform for green crowdsourcing services which is the main outcome of the project. The know-how transfer contributed a lot for the GIS platform as it was developed based on the system design good practices and requirements recommendations of GEODATA AS which led to better, more innovative and technologically sustained GIS platform, and will also technologically benefit the future system developments of GISolutions Ltd. in terms of system design and usability. Technological challenges and techniques were also discussed in the course of the project implementation. It became clear that technologically speaking, the situation in Norway and Bulgaria is very similar not only with regard to customers` demands but also with regard to used technologies to fulfill these requirements. From this point of view, both parties consider future joint projects. In this regard, the successful partnership contributed to strengthened bilateral relations not only at project level through ad hoc exchange and collaboration, but have wider effects.