Hot recycling of glass waste with renewable energy

Project facts

Project promoter:
Project Number:
Target groups
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME)
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 229,720
The project is carried out in:
Варна / Varna

More information


The objective is to transform INHOM Ltd. to a green company by reducing the usage of natural gas and starting a hot recycling of glass. The project is meant to improve the ecological conditions by recycling glass and producing renewable energy. Installing a PV system will make INHOM Ltd. energy independent. Starting a production with own Renewable Energy Sources (RES), the company will be able to supply with electricity the whole glass production facility. Producing electricity for the company's needs will contribute to reduce the production costs and increase the competitiveness. The project is expected to lead to 25% reduction of harmful emissions. in addition, the hot recycling of glass waste will contribute to the socio-economic profitability by reducing the volume of waste landfill areas, occupied by glass waste.

Summary of project results

In Bulgaria there is no landfill site for hot recycling of glass and the waste is only collected and stored in the industrial dumping grounds. This practice is extremely harmful to the environment because glass is an in degradable product and pollutes the soil and the waters. Over 8% of the industrial dumping grounds are filled with glass waste. In addition, the energy consumption costs in the glass' production are very high. For small glass factories like Inhom Ltd. this consumption goes up to 50% of the value of the article. Through introduction of a production line for recycling of colored glass installed and RES installation, the project has lead to the following results : - Saving energy not produced by renewable energy sources (MW/Year) - 50 MW/Year - Produced and used (stored) for Inhom’s own needs energy per year – 85 MWh/year - Expected value of reduced harmful emissions in air, water and ground from production activity – 25 % - Expected value of the recycled glass - 250 tone/year - 5 temporary jobs created duirng the project implementation In addition , the installation of PV system has contributed Inhom Ltd. to become an independent energy company. Producing electricity for the company's needs also contribute to reduce the production costs and increase the competitiveness.

Summary of bilateral results

The two partners were cooperating during the whole project implementation period. Working together Inhom Ltd, and Solenergi Fusen AS shared know-how and good practices. Both partners have worked on design, assemblage and putting in operation of PV System. Sharing its experience „Inhom Ltd and Solenergi Fusen AS will continue to promote together good practices of their joint activity.