In support to the Daycare Center "St. Ivan Rilski" Center for Medical and Social Care by expandig and improving specialized therapeutic work with children from 0 to 7 years

Project facts

Project promoter:
'Ivan Rilski' Center for Medical and Social Care
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 120,949
The project is carried out in:


The main problem of "St. Ivan Rilski"Center for Medical and Social Care is the very old equipment, which is insufficient for providing of adequate services in rehabilitation and therapy of the children attending the Daycare Center. Other significant problem is the urgency of the repair works in premises of the DC. The overall aim of the project is to improve the acces to qualitative and approriate medical care for children with problematic development as well as to inrease the opporitunities for socialization and integration of children with reagrd to their individual needs. The specific aim of the project is the renovation and delivery of the necessary modern equipment for the Daycare Center and to introduce modern and qualitative methods for rehanilitation. The project will benefit children between 0 and 7 years with chronic somatic diseases, congenital malfromations, varying degrees of mental retardation, hypotrophy; family members; medical and non-medical servants of the organization working with kids with special diseases.

Summary of project results

As a result of the implementation of this project, "St. Ivan Rilski " Center for Medical and Social Care has acquired a renovated and equipped center for working with children providing comfortable and modern conditions and a full set of physiotherapeutic services such as hydrotherapy, magnetotherapy and ultrasound therapy which could not be provided before due to old and non-functional equipment corresponding to the children needs of the daily center. The trainings carried out by preliminary elaborated programme has resulted in increase of the professionalism and the capacity of the employees, increase of motivation and it is an added result, which is expected to reduce the turnover of the staff. All of this has a positive impact on the quality of services offered by DC, which is the desired effect of the planned interventions. Secondly, with a view to better socialization of children and their faster integration into society, training and methodological support was provided for the families of the children attending the day center. Thus, the HMSCC provides long-term cooperation among all those involved in the care of children with developmental problems, and this model will, in addition to having a positive effect on children's health, but can also be further developed to enhance the services of the Home for introduction of new and innovative methods of care in which everyone has their role and active participation. In addition, volunteer training is a good example of leadership readiness to involve all stakeholders in day-to-day childcare. Thus, on the one hand, quality and adequate care will be provided by non-specialists, on the other hand, the staff of the establishment, which due to budget constraints is insufficient, will be supported.

Summary of bilateral results