Stigmatization and social exclusion which are considered as risk factors and the consequences from the mental diseases can seriously deteriorate the inquiry process for mental treatment and specialized help. The actions and campaigns against stigma are needed to promote the integration of persons with mental disorders, introduction of mental health services that are well integrated socially and placing the individual at the center of the care, encouraging social integration of persons with mental illness, to have easier access to jobs and adapted training programs. The project aims at diminishing stigma and displays of discrimination towards people with mental illness, increasing social awareness on the mental disorders; decreasing negative beliefs; establishment of a support environment, equal treatment and social inclusion; strengthening the rights of the people with mental illness; stimulating the system for early prevention. The Norwegian partner will transfer its practices for successful prevention of serious consequences of mental illnesses. The Bulgarian one will contribute to the campaign, dissemination of printed materials, etc.
Summary of project results
Project "We understand and support you" presented a new model of support to people with mental illness, on one hand, and promotion of mental health, on the other. Thanks to project’s activities it had achieved a better acceptance of the targeted group of people. The national campaign aimed to "provoke" the public attention on that issue and present some working models of tolerance. There were conducted three surveys, the following results were used to develop the overall concept of the campaign. Thanks to the research it was made a precise assessment of public attitudes, and also working models for dealing with the negative perception of the mentally challenged people in Bulgaria. The created tools, aimed at different targets, contributed to create the overall vision of the campaign. The released social video and audio spot helped the public to accept and understand people with mental illness. Through the campaign, it was paid special attention that having a mental illness is not shameful and scary subject. It's just a diagnosis and it needs treatment and assistance from others. The conducted training of school psychologists and educators showed that they have extremely limited knowledge on the topic. Therefore the training laid the foundation for the implementation of early intervention programs, developed within the project. The seminar meetings with employers, institutions, relatives and different stakeholders in Sofia and the country highlighted once again the distanced behavior and acceptance of people with mental illness. The campaign focused on the fact that every person, regardless of their profession, social, family and economic status could suffer from mental illness.
Summary of bilateral results
SPOC Association implemented partnership with independent Norwegian experts with significant experience in the mental health field - psychiatrists, psychologists, sociologists and others. They actively participated in the project activities, fulfilling set commitments in their civil contracts. They provided various Norwegian practices related to the topic - information on conducted campaigns in their country over the years for continuity and tolerance towards people with mental diseases, working methods in a protected and supported employment, media campaigns, school programs and others. During the trip to Oslo, Norway five experts from SPOC gathered good Norwegian practices and useful project information. They made a series of meetings with independent experts and consulting organization and an umbrella organization of the partner. Thanks to these meetings and created new contacts SPOC Association created a good database of well-performing Norwegian practices in the mental health field, some of them were adapted for the needs of the project, consistent with folk-psychological characteristics of the Bulgarians. Extremely useful proved timetable provided by our Norwegian colleagues that they apply in Norwegian schools, to prevent mental diseases. This program was made available to SPOC and adapted for Bulgarian conditions. Experts, adapted in program, trained in its application 20 professionals - school psychologists and pedagogues from different Bulgarian schools. Feedback from teachers is that Bulgarian school is in dire need of applying such programs by trained professionals, which will have strong positive effect. Especially important moment for the enhancement of bilateral relations and the creation of positive Norwegian partnership was the participation of independent Norwegian experts on the project held on September 30, 2016 Conference in Sofia. Through their presentations, leading discussions and formal and informal meetings Norwegian experts gave wide publicity to the Norwegian experience with people with mental illness.