Improvement of surveillance of vaccine-preventable diseases: development of a model of web-based immunization register

Project facts

Project promoter:
National Centre of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 89,266
The project is carried out in:


Achievement of continuous and sustainable prevention of specific vaccine preventable diseases (VPDs) is the main goal of the National Immunization programme (NIP). Immunizations included in the National Immunization schedule if performed in adequate coverage and timely do contribute to reduce morbidity and mortality due to several infectious diseases. This helps to gain the WHO’s point of success in eradication or reduction of some infectious VPDs. Despite existing national free access to quality and efficient vaccines in primary healthcare service and traditionally high immunization coverage among children in Bulgaria, recent annual analyses of immunizations revealed decrease in registered mandatory childhood and adults vaccinations. Different factors define limited access to healthcare services and contribute to the existence of gaps of non-immunized persons. The project is aiming to contribute to improvement of governance in health care and the quality of the national immunization programme through elaboration of a working model of a web-based immunization register. When the web-based immunization register is implemented nationwide it is expected an improvement of vaccine coverage with primary/booster immunizations and rapid and adequate immunization response in case of public health emergencies. Target groups: Regional Health Authorities (Regional Health Inspectorates); National Health Authorities (NCIPD and Ministry of Health).

Summary of project results

The main activity of the project was the development of software product for a Model of web-based Immunization Register (IR). The developed Model of the IR and "IR user manual" were approved. A total of 11 experts and 1 administrator were trained to work with the IR model. Then the immunization data from the pilot GP practices (two general practitioners, involved in the project) in the pilot region was uploaded and the pilot testing of the Model was performed. A proposal, containing legislative amendments that will be necessary to switch over to a web-based IR that will be implemented and used nationwide in the future after the project’s end, was drafted. To collect information about already established and well-functioning web-based immunization information systems (IISs), epidemiologists and specialists from the Ministry of Health (MoH), National Centre of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases (NCIPD), Regional Health Inspectorate (RHI) and family doctors (general practitioners – GPs) have been hired as contractors. They created report about the existing IISs using the experience of other countries. Based on the information gathered, the report is giving ideas about what kind of Bulgarian web-based IR is needed and how to formulate the tender terms of reference (TTR) for the for software product for developing a Model of web-based IR. The developed Model of IR has two main parts: Public and Protected part with access only to authorized users/officials. The Public part is giving access to the vaccination status/vaccination record of each individual represented in the system and a link for on-line submitting of an information form about adverse event following immunization (AEFI). The Protected part of the Model of IR is only accessible by authorized officials (registered vaccine providers and registered staff of RHI, NCIPD and MoH). This part is providing experts’ access to the personal vaccination status of each individual represented in the system, possibility to record an immunization, to update and to check other details related to the individual's immunizations. Thereby, vaccinated person/parents of vaccinated children could receive easier service for issue of complete, up-to-date and accurate personal vaccination record. From the section "Reports" the users from all levels of the health system could receive information generated for the level they are authorized.

Summary of bilateral results