Chance to Every Child

Project facts

Project promoter:
Munisipality of Kavarna
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 179,675
The project is carried out in:
Добрич / Dobrich


Kavarna population is mostly formed of minority groups; villages are gradually depopulated and the level of development is highly reduced. According to data from the last national census, Roma population in the municipality is almost three times the national average - 15,1%. Project activities are focused entirely on children at risk of social exclusion due to poverty and poor preparation for school classes. The main objective of the project is the welfare of children and young people at risk. The project aims to achieve better school preparation for vulnerable children including Roma; better social and language skills. Children aged 3 to 6 years old and their parents are expected to benefit from the project. Over 200 children from the target group will be involved in specific activities. Creation of a favourable and secure environment will encourage children and parents to participate in the educational process. The project foresees exploration of the Norwegian experience, which will contribute to achievement of the main objectives of the EEA Financial Mechanism, namely the reduction of economic and social disparities and strengthening the bilateral relations.

Summary of project results

Within the "Chance for Every Child" project, funds were devoted to the most valuable and vulnerable resource - the child. Seven activities were carried out, including improving the facilities of the kindergartens, training and preparing the pedagogical specialist for working with children from different cultural and social backgrounds. The children from the target groups took part in activities to build a good and healthy relationship with the cultural environment and took part in different events. With the help of the program, funds were allocated for the children from the 7 kindergartens on the territory of the Municipality of Kavarna. Two Roma mediators were trained to support the process of inclusion and adaptation of children from vulnerable groups.. They act as a bridge between children, parents and the education system. 7 focus groups were set up: one for each kindergarten, including parents, pedagogical staff, local organizations, local administration, mediators, and others. All kindergartens received various costumes - Bulgarian folk costumes, Roma costumes, Russian dance costumes, sailor's costumes, Spanish dance costumes. The costumes will help kindergartens participate in various festivals and events. The construction activities were carried out, with swings, slides, playhouses out, sandboxes in the kindergartens. Didactic materials and equipment were purchased for all seven kindergartens in Kavarna Municipality, they were needed for the proper conduct of children's activities and their staying in kindergartens. With the interactive boards, computers, didactic games, tables, flip charts, tables and chairs, children can acquire knowledge and skills in different fields. Materials from separating and collecting waste and garden materials were purchased. In result of the project Kavarna Municipality has been able to improve the facilities of its kindergartens, create a favorable environment for the children needed to adapt to social inclusion, to prepare the pedagogical specialist for working with children in a multicultural environment.

Summary of bilateral results