Roma’s lack of integration into the education system and educational segregation leads to social isolation and poverty. Capacity building supports and enhances carrying out of the projects launched under the other three Components. The Donor Partner is the Council of Europe. The pre-defined project will provide raising the quality of education in kindergartens; prevention of early school dropout with the purpose of reintegration; raising the qualification of the pedagogical specialists to work in a multi-ethnic educational environment; introducing the practice of Roma educational mediators. The project will provide training for the youth workers, Roma school mediators and the pedagogical staff. The target groups are the youth workers from the youth centres, the Roma school mediators and the pedagogical staff of the kindergartens. The project will improve youth work and mediators’ work with representatives of the disadvantaged including Roma ethnic group.
Summary of project results
The project aim was to build the capacity of youth centers and kindergartens participating in projects selected under the first two components of the Programme by conducting training and providing educational materials to youth workers, employees in kindergartens and mediators with partner CoE. The trainings were held in parallel with the implementation of the projects. The trainings and the materials provided were referring to the previous experience of the CoE. Target groups: staff involved in education in the youth centers; teachers and other staff in the kindergartens; Roma mediators working with both components. The project objectives were achieved through out the implemented project activities: 1. Two trainings of youth workers, two trainings of pedagogues and two trainings of Roma mediators. 2. Preparation, translation and distribution of CoE's materials. 3. Evaluation sessions organized for all groups which provided an overview of activities for the exchange of experiences and mutual learning between participants. 4. Monitoring and support -through out a system of planned monitoring the trainees were supported, but also was established a successful implementation of the principles and approaches. An integration process has been established into the local institutional policies and development plans. The kindergarten staff reports for improved relations with the Roma parents and the disadvantaged groups. Мore coverage of Roma children and regular attendance at the daycares is achieved. Youth workers are highly motivated to work with the disadvantaged youth. Youth centers offer a variety of activities, clubs, courses and events. 4. Work visit to the youth center at the Council of Europe. The visit was an opportunity to get acquainted with the activities of the CoE and share experiences with colleagues. The information gathered through the monitoring is the reason to believe that the trainings achieved their goal - building the capacity of youth centers and kindergartens and contribute to the success in the implementation of the projects and of the Programme as whole. The project completion can be specified in the following numbers and results: 19 trained youth workers, 179 trained pedagogues and other personnel and 33 trained Roma mediators. All trainings envisaged in the project were successfully implemented. The translation and distribution of materials of the CoE were completed on time and the materials are available to all beneficiaries.
Summary of bilateral results
An important meeting was held with the project partner - the Council of Europe. A lot of details were specified concerning the partnership relations. Improved knowledge and mutual understanding were developed between the beneficiary and the project partner. Due to the exceptional importance of the Project for the development of the Programme, a mutual understanding, exchange of experience and improvement of the communications were achieved through out the meeting.