One of the main problems identified by the Bulgarian municipalities is related to the improvement of educational integration of Roma youth. This challenge is examined in the “Strategy for youth policy of the city of Plovdiv 2010-2020” of Plovdiv Municipality. The project is aimed at improving the living and social conditions for the target group - young people between 15-29 years, including those of them at risk, as well as contributing to the overall improvement of youth development in the city of Plovdiv and in the region. The envisaged indicators are: at least 100 young people from the target group, who have completed non-formal training in project, 25% of them are disadvantaged; 5 recruited youth workers and 2 Roma mediators will be included to work with the target group. All of the activities are adressed to the target group: especially representatives of low-income families, with deviant behavior engaged in anti-social and criminal activities, children and young people in institutions, from ethnic minorities; living in small and remote locations.
Summary of project results
One of the stated objectives of the Strategy for the Youth Policy of the City of Plovdiv 2010-2020 is to organize young people's free time and to involve them in socio-cultural life of the community.An activity in line with this aim is the construction of a place where youths can realize their ideas and projects.This led to the implementation of the project.The overall aim of the project was achieved.The construction work was finished and a youth centre which provides contemporary services is functioning.The expected results of the project were exceeded.850 young people were involved in the project activities.As a result the center was recognized by the young people as a place which provides them with the opportunity to implement their ideas.Constant group of 30 young people participate in the activities on regular bases.The scope of the services provided in the centre was expanded at regional level. 117 young people from Plovdiv’s region were involved in various activities.A constant group of 20 young people who are living in nearby towns are involved in regular work of the center.Activities with a vast impact on the young people were the clubs and the vocational courses.As a result of the IT course 7 young people were employed.The main activities implemented in the center were non formal educational trainings.207 young people were involved, 29 % of them were representatives of ethnic minorities.During the project were implemented 3 long term educational modules.The establishment of National network of youth centers supported the promotion of the activities implemented by the four youth centers.There is a signed agreement between the managers of the centers for joined activities. Two main activities were implemented so far.The first one was a National seminar on the topic of Human rights, which involved youth workers,Roma mediators and young people from the four cities.The activity aimed at the presenting young people with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.Second joined activity of the centers was an International Youth Expo.The expo was geared toward the promotion of the National network and the presentation of Council of Europe Quality Label-a common standard for youth work on European level.Representatives of international youth centers from Ireland,Portugal,Turkey, Armenia and Lithuania attended the expo, as well as over 20 participants from the national youth sector.The main outcome of the expo was the recognition of the four youth centers.
Summary of bilateral results
Main achievements on bilatereal were in line with the established with Norwegian Research Institute Agderforskning AS. The implemented joint activities contributed to the improvement of the centre’s working concept. А better understanding about the context in which the youth centre functions was developed by the project partner. This was a factor enhancing the added value of the partnership and it was a key factor for the successful implementation of the project. During the project representative of the institute conducted study visits as well as supported and participated in two round tables. Through the implementation of these activities good practices were exchanged in line with the youth participation and the involvement in the decision making process of the young people in both countries. Implemented activities on bilateral level included participation in 8 study visits to European youth centers by the management team and the staff of the center. In addition to this the possibility for involvement in 6 trainings and conferences organized by the Council of Europe and held in the European youth centers in Strasbourg and Budapest was provided. This increased the overall motivation of the team. Access to new knowledge and international expertise in the field of non-formal education was provided. The conducted study visits also contributed to development and application of innovative models in line with management and organization of the working process in the youth center. The recognition of the youth work was identified as a common concern between the youth centers at national and European level. A solution to this issue derived from the international practice which was applied to the national context was the creation of a network. Thus the impact of the youth centers’ activities is enhanced and a greater number of young people are engaged. Implemented activities on bilateral level provided essential support for designing the organizational structure of the network. It also contributed to the international promotion of the network and exploring the possibilities for establishment of partnerships. In conclusion all of the activities on bilateral level have a great impact on the overall functioning of the center.