The project addresses the slow introduction of social entrepreneurship in Bulgaria due to lack of supportive environment and the need to join the efforts of NGOs to have impact on policy-making. The project aims at strengthening the Social Enterprise in Bulgaria Forum to enable it to become the voice of the sector. First, the Forum will be set up by 31 founding members. Second, a roadmap of social enterprises in Bulgaria will be created. Third, 4 regional meetings will be held to present the roadmap and attract new members. Fourth, Social Entrepreneurship Index will be set up. Next, the Forum will launch a campaign to support independent social entrepreneurs. Finally, advocacy and cooperation with the official institutions will be developed. The project will benefit NGOs, social entrepreneurs, the institutions and the public. The partner will contribute with its extensive experience.
Summary of project results
The project of Bulgarian Charities Aid Foundation (or Bcause Foundation) was needed due to the condition and low efficiency of the social entrepreneurship sector (SE). There is no supportive environment and the implementation of the EU policies and measures is delayed. Collective efforts are needed based on common understanding and consent on key issues such as the characteristics and the engines of SE. The structure and the core of Social Enterprise Forum (SEF) were developed under the project. The process included the following steps: • old members were activated and potential new members were identified through a number of meetings between the partners and consultations with representatives of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy; • SEF composition was made up – committees and a coordination unit; • membership criteria were developed and the benefits of membership were defined; • an information meeting was held with the representatives of companies and NGOs to present the project and discuss the opportunities to develop SEF. • the experts from the project team went on a study visit to Bologna, Italy, for exchange of experience. The results from the journey were discussed at a meeting organized on 25 April 2016 at the House of NGOs in Sofia; • finally, two project experts delivered a master class at the international meeting on the Development of the Civil Society and the Experience of Social Entrepreneurship with a view to 2020 and Afterwards”, organized by the Euclides-Network. 4 regional meetings, a national conference and 14 working meetings took place under the project. The project made it possible to plan social entrepreneurship (SE) – a Roadmap of SE was prepared; measure its development – an Index of SE in Bulgaria was created. The Roadmap and the Index were submitted to the Ministry of Labour. The Roadmap was used in the adopted National Action Plan for Social Economy 2016-2017. The Index might become a working tool for an annual assessment and long-term planning. The success of the regional and national meeting and the first advocacy actions left the Forum with improved capacity and increased motivation. The key documents developed and the well-built network of contacts contributed to efficient advocacy of the bill for SE and the upcoming programme under Human Resources OP. The Forum members are confident that these actions would contribute to the solution of the issues facing SE.
Summary of bilateral results