Biodiversity Conservation in the Mugla Village Region (Western Rhodopes) and Promotion of the Protected Area "Kazandji Dere" - Precondition for Sustainable Development of the Region

Project facts

Project promoter:
Development-XXI Century Association, Smolyan
Project Number:
Target groups
Children ,
Young adults
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 44,901
The project is carried out in:
Южен централен


The project addresses the endangered biodiversity, poaching, pasture degradation and general lack of awareness in the area of the village of Mugla, the Western Rhodope Mountain. The project aims at engaging the local community in local biodiversity protection, promoting the natural landmark of Kazanji dere and creating opportunities for alternative tourism. First, the project will be presented to the stakeholders (students, volunteers, the tourist business, authorities). Second, the local biodiversity, plant and animal species and landscape features will be studied and mapped. Third, conservation activities will be carried out (feeders, afforestation, school plant nurseries). Next, an eco-trail will be created in Kazandji Dere. Finally a series of information and training events for the students, businesses, farmers, hunters, authorities will be held. The project will benefit the local community, the tourist, hotel and restaurant business, hunters, tourists and local authorities.

Summary of project results

The project addressed the endangered biodiversity, poaching, pasture degradation and general lack of awareness in the area of the village of Mugla, the Western Rhodope Mountain. It engaged the local community in local biodiversity protection, promoted the natural landmark of Kazanji dere and created opportunities for alternative tourism, ensuring livelihood for local residents and sustainable development of the region. Kazandzhi Dere Eco-path was created under the project and provided with information and tourist infrastructure; thus a specialized tourist product in the area around the village of Mugla was created. 5 information meetings and 2 training seminars were held to present and promote the new protected area and biodiversity; 4 school nurseries were created to grow various forest and other crops, including some rare plant species. 2 afforestation campaigns were held with school and university students and 8 educational discussions with students. Expert reports and analyses were prepared, as well as proposals to District and Municipal plans and strategies for development and Plans for management of Trigrad-Mursalitsa and Rhodope protected areas; geographic maps of plants and animals important for conservation and tourist infrastructure and routes in the project region were prepared. Feeders for the Balkan chamois, study nurseries, pilot areas for ex-situ and n-situ growing of Mursala tea and areas for Haberlea were created. A competition for drawing and literary works (e.g. essay) for children and pupils on a topic related to nature, culture and traditions in the Rhodope was held and an exhibition was organized. At present young tourism entrepreneurs operate in the village of Mugla and the region. They started up their own tourism business based on the project results and the beneficiary will also maintain with own resources the project website and the ecopath together with the owner of the territory, Smolyan State Forestry Enterprise, and will continue to work and promote the natural attractions and the region which will also ensure the sustainability of the achieved results.

Summary of bilateral results