The project addresses the need to support the elderly in the rural areas of Haskovo and Dimitrovgrad Municipalities who are marginalized and without access to social services and cultural life. The project aims at expanding the work of the 10 existing Self-help and Solidarity Groups (SSG) and setting up 10 more to enable the members to exchange experience. First, preliminary meetings will be held with the mayors, pensioner clubs, community centres and the local community. Second, 30 mentors will be trained to steer the SSG discussions. Third, monthly meetings will be held by the 10 SSG in Haskovo Municipality and the newly set up 10 SSG in Dimitrovgrad Municipality and monitored by the applicant. Next, the SSG will launch an anti-discrimination campaign. Finally, the data collected will be presented in a manual on SSG and disseminated among the stakeholders. The project will benefit more than 600 elderly people in 20 areas, the mentors, experts, institutions and the public.
Summary of project results
Elderly people and people at risk of poverty in Bulgarian villages do not have access to social services, good education, cultural events and entertainment, being at risk of poverty and social exclusion. The project aimed at setting up 20 Self-help and Solidarity Groups (SSG) in the municipalities of Haskovo and Dimitrovgrad and the goal was implemented. The implemented project contributed to overcoming social exclusion in 17 settlements in Haskovo District, creating conditions for the vulnerable groups to voice their issues in public and look for solutions, improve communication with the local authorities and other institutions by the setting up of 20 SSG. The groups will continue to work informally after the end of the project. 469 representatives of the vulnerable groups were actively involved in the project and the outcomes of the work of SSGs reached 1441 people, surpassing the initially planned number of 400 people. The representatives of vulnerable groups received access to information, healthcare and social services; had the opportunity to put forward their problems in public and join the discussion about the possible solutions.
Summary of bilateral results