Happy Together

Project facts

Project promoter:
Vocation Association
Project Number:
Target groups
People at risk of poverty
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 22,820
The project is carried out in:
Бургас / Burgas


The project addresses the need to support the parents of children with special educational needs (SEN) in the city of Burgas to prevent them from social alienation and emotional burnout. The project aims at supporting the parents by training and working in a self-help group. First, 200 parents in 5 schools and 5 kindergartens in Burgas will learn more about SEN. Second, 12 teachers will have psychological training to work with such children. Third, 12 parents will take part in weekly sessions of a self-help group to share their experience. In addition, 80 individual psychological counselling sessions will be provided. Fourth, 80 parents and children will take part in 8 art workshops as a group therapy. Next, parents will receive administrative support from social workers. Finally, the applicant’s staff will be trained to work with the media and with volunteers. The project will benefit the parents of children with SEN, the teachers, the education institutions and the local community.

Summary of project results

The project addressed the need to support the parents of children with special educational needs (SEN) in the city of Burgas to prevent them from social alienation and emotional burnout. The implemented project achieved all of its goals; the parents’ skills to cope with their own emotions when taking care of their children with SEN were improved. The parents had the opportunity to share individually and in groups, receive information about all available opportunities for support for them and their children, relax from their hard everyday life focused on taking care of their children, join activities expanding their horizons and contribute to overcoming the social isolation they face. The training of the organization staff and project team helped people raise their knowledge and skills for work with vulnerable groups and parents and children with SEN in particular. The parents of children with SEN created a community which will continue to meet after the project ends. The individual and group psychological counselling helped them participate in the society without feeling embarrassed that their children have special needs. They learned to voice their issues and look for solutions. The main project beneficiaries were the parents of children with SEN, children with SEN indirectly, parents of children with potential challenges as well as teachers of children with SEN. The parents were included in self-help groups, a photography club, an art therapy group, day trips, individual psychological and social consultations. Children with SEN took part together with their parents in art therapy groups. The teachers of such children took part in a training session on working with children with SEN and their parents.

Summary of bilateral results