The project addresses the need to involve more active young people in civic initiatives and build the capacity of NGOs working with young people. The project aims at encouraging greater involvement by introducing young people and NGOs to the Norwegian volunteering practices. First, good Bulgarian and Norwegian volunteering practices will be selected and analyzed (context, timeframe, funding, stages of application, human resources and success factors). The good practices will be presented in an online database. Second, Debates club will be set up as a forum where young people will discuss volunteering, active engagement, tolerance and advocacy. Finally, the database, analysis and experience acquired will be presented at an event with all stakeholders. The project will benefit young people, NGOs and the community at large. The partner will share Norwegian experience, prepare the study visit and contribute with experts.
Summary of project results
The project addressed the need to involve more active young people in civic initiatives and build the capacity of NGOs working with young people. The project encouraged greater involvement by introducing young people and NGOs to the Norwegian volunteering practices. Furthermore it contributed to building the potential of young people and NGOs working with young people to take and uphold an active civil position regarding relevant local and national issues. 16 good practices from Bulgaria, Norway and Lichtenstein were collected, analyzed and compiled in an e-database. A Debate Club was set up and Success in Debate Guide published addressed many issues such as volunteering, involvement of young people in decision-making, raising civil awareness and involvement with causes, tolerance for minorities, advocacy and anti-discrimination, the Holocaust and measures to combat antisemitism. The most important output for the project sustainability is the online database with 16 good practices that can be applied in future by young people and youth organizations in Bulgaria. The database can be found at The Public Donation Fund in Gabrovo established partner relationship with Henrik Storm Ofteland R&D (Norway) and Lenum AG (Liechtenstein). This relationship proved the need of networking and data exchange.
Summary of bilateral results
The project established two partnerships: with Henrik Storm Ofteland R & D (Norway) and Lenum AG (Liechtenstein). The project promoter, the Community Donation Fund Gabrovo, worked very well with both partners. The main cooperation consisted of sharing experience and exchange of information. Five exchange study visits were organized - 2 to Norway, 2 to Bulgaria and 1 to Liechtenstein. 16 good practices in the field of volunteering, youth activities and active citizenship were collected and analysed in terms of applicability. An online database with all the good practices was created as a joint product of the partners. The project promoter is currently working on another initiative related to energy efficiency with the partners from Liechtenstein. The idea of Energy award they implement will be transferred to Bulgaria. For this purpose, contacts were established in the Bulgarian Ministry of Environment and Water, and the Ministry of Economy and Energy. The bilateral contacts between the Community Donation Fund Gabrovo and Henrik Storm Ofteland R & D or Lenum AG were very positive and strengthened during the implementation of the bilateral initiative financed under measure B.