Future for Our Children - Social Skills Development for Children in Primary School

Project facts

Project promoter:
National Centre for Social Emotional Development
Project Number:
Target groups
Children ,
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 36,285
The project is carried out in:


The project addresses the need for developing children’s social skills (intellectually and emotionally) in early age in primary schools. The project aims at piloting a new education programme targeted at 2-graders in 3 schools in Gorna Malina, Pernik and Sofia. First, the licensed materials of Positive Action Programme will be purchased, translated into Bulgarian, adapted to the Bulgarian context and printed out. Second, 24 primary school teachers will attend 2 trainings to use the programme in the 2 partner schools during the 2nd hald of the academic 2014-2015 and the 1st half of 2015-2016. Finally, 150 parents of the 2nd-graders will also attend 4 training sessions to support and develop social skills at home. The project will benefit the students involved, their parents, the teachers, the school staff, education institutions and the community in general. The 2 partners will participate with their teachers and premises.

Summary of project results

The project addressed the need for developing children’s social skills (intellectually and emotionally) in early age in 3 primary schools in Pernik region. It aimed at the positive development of the I-personality of the participants from the target group, physical, intellectual and emotional development, through a proven programme for the development of social skills. A toolkit for the development of social competence of children, parents and teachers in the second grade was translated and adapted for Bulgarian schools, i.e. the Good Things Programme. The project raised the social competence of 175 children, 40% of whom are Roma children. The teachers’ attitude to teaching Roma children changed. The competence of parents was also raised. The results were proved by a survey which showed that the social and emotional characteristics improved with 19%, commitment to studying increased by 20%, discipline improved and aggression dropped by 19%. The work on the programme is continuing after the project end with the available teaching aids and trained teachers. The programme at the same time is also being disseminated in other Bulgarian schools with students from vulnerable groups. The main project beneficiaries were second-grade pupils from 8 classes in 3 schools or 175 children in total, 40% of whom are Roma children, the form tutors of these eight classes and the children’s parents. Two training sessions for teachers, supervision and training for parents were held. The project partners were: 5th P.R. Slaveykov Secondary School, Pernik, and Hristo Botev Secondary School in the village of Gorna Malina. For more information, please, visit: https://www.facebook.com/ncsed.org/

Summary of bilateral results