The project addresses the social isolation of children with learning difficulties (dyslexia, attention deficit, autism, hyperactivity). The project aims at achieving social inclusion of such children through classes together with children without difficulties. First, a database of such children will be created based on data from different state/private kindergartens, schools and institutions. Second, preparatory activities will be organized: development of selection methodology, recruitment of volunteers, consultations with parents, action plan and a schedule of classes. Third, a family centre will be set up, the premises will be prepared for groupwork and students volunteers will be recruited. Fourth, 16 children with/out learning difficulties divided into 2 groups will have 40 classes in life competence and communication (3 classes twice per week). The project will benefit children with and without learning difficulties, their parents, teachers and the public in general.
Summary of project results
The project aimed at setting up and Alternative Family Centre for diagnostics, counselling and rehabilitation and services for parents of children with disorders. The project aimed at providing support to the parents to bring up their children in the family and develop a positive attitude to inclusive education. The project activities helped achieve high degree of social inclusion and interaction of children with special educational needs (SEN). The children took part in a number of activities, expanded their interests, needs and requirements to the others. The project team observed improved verbal communication and cognitive processes and increased self-confidence and self-assessment. As a result, two pilot groups of children experienced social inclusion, reduced stress and isolation, improved and organized skills for self-help, communication and tolerance. 40 thematic lessons with a high degree of inclusion were carried out for both target groups during the project. More than 75% attendance and activity rate and strong group dynamics in more than 60% of the time for interaction for both groups. The children kept their attention and concentration levels high during 80% of the thematic sessions. The emotional condition was positive and stable for more than 85% of the children in each group for each module. The children without SEN increased their development rate and the children with SEN kept their rate stable in 6 out of 9 modules. The project focused on social inclusion and development of motor and sensory abilities. The project involved 15 children with and without special educational needs and their parents, volunteers in the educational process and other people actively involved in the work of the centre.
Summary of bilateral results