The project addresses the need to introduce the dual education system in the cities of Gabrovo and Lovech and give a second chance for vocational education to disadvantaged young people. The project aims at raising awareness, drafting the methodology and learning from foreign experience. First, the main stakeholders will be identified, contacted and organized to discuss the parameters of the dual education system in 5 focus groups. Second, the demand for such system and the preparedness of companies to provide apprenticeships will be studied. Third, good practices from other EU states and Norway will be studied. Fourth, an expert group will be set up to prepare a draft Methodological Guide for pilot launching of the system. Finally, an awareness-raising campaign will be held. The project will benefit the young people, schools, companies, decision-makers and the local community in general in the 2 cities. The partners will help study, adapt, develop and introduce such a system.
Summary of project results
The project aimed at overcoming a significant gap in the Bulgarian education system, i.e. the lack of conceptual, methodological and planning conditions to introduce the dual system of vocational education as part of the concept of life-long learning and a key to ensuring social integration and access to equal opportunities. The civil society and the institutions lack the needed capacity for joint consultative processes, development of joint positions and coordination of policies. Following the surveys and analyses carried out, the project aimed at developing Methodological Guide for Pilot Introduction of Vocational Education in the region to provide young people who dropped out of the school system with an innovative “second chance” for professional competence and reintegration. The surveys and the analysis of the practices in place in Bulgaria and Europe about the reintegration of young people who dropped out of the education system provided extensive data for the follow-up actions: an active advocacy and information campaign was carried out; the network of coalition partners was evaluated as necessary, adequate and with sufficient opportunities to realize its potential; the study of the Norwegian experience and its application was important; the Norwegian organization EUROMASC shared valuable experience and helped with access to good practices, experience and recommendations from other relevant organizations in Norway. The main project outputs are as follows: 1) an analysis based on a national survey of the readiness of master craftsmen and owners of craft businesses to provide training and the needs of vocational education of socially vulnerable young people in the regions of Lovech and Gabrovo; 2) an analysis of foreign experience and know-how in the application of the dual system of vocational education for the social integration of young disadvantaged people; 3) Guide on the introduction of vocational education for young people from socially vulnerable groups. For more information, please, visit:
Summary of bilateral results
Initially, the project was envisaged to enable the exchange of good practices and ideas between the partner organizations with relevant expertise in the field. During the project implementation close cooperation has been established and new project proposals were considered. The bilateral partnership helped the Bulgarian partners to obtain new knowledge and develop capacity to operate and carry out projects with a complex theme and in a more complex context. Furthermore as a result of the bilateral sharing and exchange of information and ideas the Bulgarian partners have been invited to take part in an international project for SkillBank project translation in different languages and its application in the field of high school dropouts and migrants integration.