Shared School

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association Roditeli
Project Number:
Target groups
Children ,
Foreign migrant workers
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 12,327
The project is carried out in:


The project addresses intolerance, racism and hate speech among young people. The project aims at promoting tolerance and intercultural dialogue by means of creating a shared school environment. First, 20 teachers at 101st Bacho Kiro Secondary School in Sofia will be trained to build a school community and integrate the children of economic migrants. Second, 3 meetings with 20 migrant parents will be held to promote intercultural dialogue and integrate parents in the school community. Third, 5th- and-6th-graders will be taught 7 tolerance classes. Finally, the school community will organize 5 events with the participation of children of migrant parents, their families and teachers. The project will benefit the students, parents and school staff of 101st Secondary School as well as the local community in general by promoting greater tolerance and respect for different cultural background.

Summary of project results

The long-lasting experience of Parents Association from direct interaction with the school communities shows that young people often develop extreme attitudes of intolerance towards the other. The school is the main place for developing citizen’s skills and intolerance to differences at school leads to segregation in society in general. The project aimed at setting up an efficient mechanism for teaching tolerance and respect towards people with different religious and ethnic background. The project team selected Bacho Kiro 101st Secondary General School in Sofia because not only Bulgarian children study there (including the Roma) but also children of labour migrants from the Chinese, the Arab community as well as children of parents from non-EU countries. The developed and applied methodology includes 3 main elements, meetings with the parent and teacher communities; the methodology for the Tolerance Class and having such classes with the students and the organization of school community events. As a result of the training sessions held with 21 teachers, 3 meetings with parents, classes with the children (7 classes in all 5 and 6-grade classes) and 5 school community events, the project achieved strong positive impact towards the integration of more parents in the school life of the children and encouraging the parents – migrants from various ethnic background to join actively in the planning and organization of school events. As a result of the methodology developed under the project, the project promoter was invited by an expert from Access to Education and Support for Development Directorate of the Ministry of Education and Science, Department Support of Education, Specialized Schools, Integration to take part in a group of the Ministry for the development of topics related to tolerance and acceptance of children with foreign background for the needs of the form tutor’s session. For more information, please, visit:…

Summary of bilateral results