The project addresses discrimination, social exclusion and violations of the rights of addicted persons. The project aims at raising public awareness and educating addicted persons about their rights. First, a kick-off conference will be held to inform the target group about the project. Second, small towns most plagued by discrimination will be visited and public debates on the rights of the addicted and their families will be held in 5 towns. Third, 120 addicted persons and their relatives will be trained to know their rights. Next, a round table on funding NGOs fighting against addictions will be held and attended by all the stakeholders. Then excerpts of legal instruments from the other EU countries on alternative treatment and enforcement of sentences will be translated into Bulgarian. Finally, a petition for amendments to the Penal Code will be submitted. The project will benefit addicted people and their families, relevant NGOs, local authorities and the community in general.
Summary of project results
The systematic violation of human rights of the target group of persons suffering from opium dependency and the absence of any alternative to the sentence for incarceration are issues facing the modern-day society. What can be observed is the negative attitude including hatred and intolerance of the civil society towards these people. The training (56 trained) in democratic values and rules of the marginalized inhabitants of the Closed-type Shelter in the village of Vladimir helped the project promoter establish a core of serious, responsible and persistent persons from the target group who have strong motivation to radically change their life. They run the shelter at present and are ready to start running the newly opened Betel 2 Facility near Sofia. The prepared proposals for amendments to the Execution of Penalties and Detention in Custody Act and the Penal Code as well as the proposal for clarity in the financing of organizations working for prevention and rehabilitation of drug addicts have been a key factor for the boosting of the capacity of Betel Bulgaria and the reputation it has in the civil society. It is true that their voice has been heard and has impact on legislative amendments; the prganisation received an invitation for participation in the debates at the Ministry of Health and the Legal Affairs Committee of the National Assembly. Public debates in 5 cities were held under the project on the topic of discrimination and domestic violence in the families of drug users. An important problem that has been so far swept under the carpet was voiced, namely the fact that the families of the drug users – victims feel ashamed, guilty, failed parents, etc. This curtain was raised, the Domestic Violence Act was clarified and cases were considered for the practical application of the Act and efficient protection of the victims of domestic violence as well as support Betel Bulgaria can provide to the families and drug users. For more information, please, visit:
Summary of bilateral results