The School Network of the Eco-Schools and Learning about Forests Programs - a Model for Successful Cooperation for Sustainable Development, Environmental Protection and Eco-education

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association 'Bulgarian Blue Flag Movement'
Project Number:
Target groups
Children ,
Young adults
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 33,964
The project is carried out in:


The project addresses the need to raise the awareness of students about biodiversity protection and sustainable development. The project aims at expanding the network of Eco-Schools and kindergartens, boosting their capacity and involving more children. First, 8 teachers will go on a study visit to the Norwegian partner and be certified as trainers. Second, Eco-Schools and Learning about Forest Programs guide will be published. Third, an online monitoring platform will be installed in the schools. Next, 5 awareness-raising seminars for teachers will be held. Then, 2 contests on best school eco-code and best presentation on endangered species will be held. Finally, the Plant Peace initiative will be held on the International Day of Peace. The project will benefit the current and future students of 80 Bulgarian eco-schools, their teachers, parents, school trustees as well as local authorities and communities. The project partner will help with its extensive expertise.

Summary of project results

The project aimed at expanding the network of the Eco-Schools and Learning about Forests Programmes as successful initiatives for sustainable development, reasonable use of resources and environment and biodiversity protection. The project also aimed at boosting the capacity of these Programmes and expanding their scope in terms of age groups and numbers in order to further develop and establish the model of the Programmes in Bulgaria as successful cooperation for sustainable development, environment protection and environmental education. Children and young people, teachers, parents and the local community were presented the ideas of the Eco-Schools and Learning about Forests Programmes, attracted to the network and benefitted from the activities. They raised their knowledge, skills and awareness about sustainable development and environment protection, the measures for saving energy and natural resources. Improving energy efficiency at schools contributes to fewer greenhouse gas emissions and is having an undoubted positive economic impact. The teachers and students learned about the Norwegian experience. The project helped many members of the target groups raise their environmental awareness through direct participation in the activities and the use of the products and materials created. In addition, the Education Inspections with the Ministry of Education and Science were acquainted with the Programmes and the mutual cooperation between the schools in the network was enhanced while the network expanded. An online monitoring tool, an e-calculator, was developed to be used by the education establishments as well as all the other interested parties ( A Manual of the Eco-Schools and Learning about Forests Programmes was developed for the needs of the Programme and disseminated together with the CDs with useful materials, lessons, projects and presentations about the protected species that took part in the project competition. Bulgaria joined the global initiative “Plant a Tree for Peace!” and reinforced the status of the schools as active participants for the protection of nature and peace on Earth. The project partner (Forestry Extension Institute-Norway) helped organize an education exchange for Bulgarian teachers in Norway and took part in the project activities mainly by providing expert support. Its expert Bjorn Helge Bjornstad is an international coordinator of Learning about Forests Programme.

Summary of bilateral results

The implementation of the bilateral project lead to improved relations between the two organisations (Bulgarian Blue Flag Movement and Forestry Extension Institute-Norway) and strengthened their long-term partnership. The shared experience in the field of sustainable development and the implementation of the Learning about Forests and Eco-Schools Programs lead to well developed channels of interaction and communication. The bilateral funds made possible the mutual meetings and attending common events and most importantly – the realization of an international exchange – a study trip of Bulgarian teachers to the educational center of the Forestry Extension Institute in Norway. Furthermore the bilateral partnership improved the information base of the project promoter's activities and the materials needed for conducting their programs. It has also enriched their toolbox with more ideas, good practices, and know-how.