The project addresses the challenges faced by the NGOs assisting vulnerable groups of people to interact with the state authorities. The project aims at creating favourable conditions for the NGOs to develop better cooperation with the state and thus assist the vulnerable groups more efficiently. First, a sociological and demographic analysis of the vulnerable groups will be carried out. Second, the relevant legal framework will be analyzed. Third, the role of the NGOs in the interaction with the state will be analyzed. Next, good European practices will be collected and analyzed. Then, a report with the findings will be prepared and presented at a round table. Finally, a Draft Programme for more efficient involvement of NGOs will be drafted, discussed and disseminated. The project will benefit the vulnerable groups (refugees, migrants, minorities, inmates, etc.), the NGOs working with them and the relevant state authorities in order to better meet the needs of these people.
Summary of project results
A number of vulnerable groups such as prisoners, victims of trafficking in human beings and domestic violence and some vulnerable aliens and migrants have difficulties interacting with the institutions due to the insufficient human and financial resources of the latter. That is why they often rely on civil organizations to improve their condition and support them with interaction with the state authorities. The project aimed at researching, making a critical assessment and improving interaction between the two target groups, the institutions and NGOs. The project team reviewed in detail together with the institutions and the NGOs the opportunities for joint actions and outlined additional existing or new alternatives for such interaction. Each of the two target groups recognized officially the other party as its invariable partner and committed itself to deepening their cooperation. The expected result was achieved almost fully, the awareness and sensitivity of the institutions and NGOs were raised about the importance and mechanisms for cooperation between them. More than 100 representatives of the two target groups were covered in different ways in the presentation of the project results and active gathering of feedback. The mechanisms of cooperation between the institutions and NGOs will be further developed in all the remaining initiatives of the beneficiary to support vulnerable groups. The main project outputs are as follows: online analyses, 2 printed publications, 3 events, 7 working meetings, project website and Facebook discussion group. For more information, please, visit: and
Summary of bilateral results