Tolerance and Еquality

Project facts

Project promoter:
Opportunity and Protection Association
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 28,937
The project is carried out in:
Хасково / Haskovo


The project addresses the lack of information and education about gender-based violence (GBV) among adolescents. The project aims at raising the awareness about GBV among adolescents, sensitizing and developing their skills to identify, look for protection and have tolerant and equal relationships. First, a mechanism for support and self-support against GBV will be developed. Second, a methodology to train specialists and mentors will be drafted. 20 specialists will be trained to work with victims of GBV and 20 mentors will be trained to sensitize, inform, help and support their peers. Next, 240 adolescents aged 13-19 from the towns of Haskovo, Svilengrad and Lyubimetz will examine their former/current relationships, learn to have tolerant and equal relationships, identify the signs of GBV and develop their skills to share and look for support. The project will benefit the target group of 240 adolescents, the specialists involved as well as the community in general.

Summary of project results

The project resulted in a for support and self-help mechanism for children and young people to have tolerant relationships on equal footing. The mechanism was tested with the participation of 240 participants from the cities of Haskovo, Lyubimets and Svilengrad. The methods and tools used, i.e. group work, self-evaluation of a relationship, peer-to-peer training, helped the young people acquire specific knowledge and changed their attitude towards their responsibilities to make their relationships tolerant and on equal footing. The support and self-help mechanism was disseminated among the stakeholders and can be further applied. The discussion forum set up in Facebook ( will enable young people from across Bulgaria to continue to discuss such issues after the end of the project. For more information about the project, please visit:

Summary of bilateral results