The project addresses the need for greater awareness of the local communities in Kresna Municipality of the protected areas and species and biodiversity, opportunities for developing alternative tourism and involving young people in environment protection and sustainable development. The project aims at raising the awareness of school students, local stakeholders and communities of biodiversity protection. First, awareness-raising meetings will be carried out at 9 schools and among 700 students. Second, 8 awareness meetings will be held with the local stakeholders (hunters, farmers, hotel owners, NGOs, local authorities) to achieve better recognition of the School of Nature and consider future cooperation. Finally, the applicant will promote its project during festival and exhibitions focused on environment protection. The project will benefit not only the 700 students involved but also will raise the awareness of the local authorities and communities.
Summary of project results
The main and specific goals of the project were achieved to a great extent and its successful implementation further promoted the School as a main organizer of training sessions for environment protection and ecology for children and young people. The organization made useful contacts in the territory of the four municipalities and already has direct connection with the local communities that were not aware of the work and tasks of the Nature School prior to the project implementation. The connections with the local communities and the local authorities helped build the capacity of the team to organize events and influence the processes related to environment protection in the four municipalities. The target groups were directly involved in the project; the students received basic knowledge about environment protection while the local communities learned about the School and its work and opportunities as well as its role in maintaining awareness about sustainable living and transfer of knowledge about sustainable environmentally-free practices, development of eco, rural and sustainable tourism. The main methods and tools used to achieve the goals and results were the development of information sets for the students, the use of the expertise and knowledge of the experts employed, good contacts with the local authorities and communication with the local media. The project was necessary for the better placement of the School in the region and among the local community as a model of knowledge and skills and an organization spreading ideas about sustainable development and environment protection, its recognition as the engine for dissemination of practices for sustainable living as well as for the improvement of the interaction with the local community to preserve the natural resources in the region and for balanced development and sustainable use of the local natural resources.
Summary of bilateral results