The project addresses the permanent social exclusion and marginalization of vulnerable groups in society. The project aims to bring together people from the vulnerable groups in regular sessions for community bread making in Plovdiv and thus support their inclusion, integration and overcome the existing prejudices. First, the premises will be rented and equipped with the necessary appliances. Second, the target groups will be identified, contacted through local NGOs and 50 participants will be selected. Third, 20 sessions for community bread making and sharing will be organized. Next, a psychometric test of the impact of the sessions will be carried out. Finally, Bread for Social Change Festival will be organized. The project will benefit the target groups of vulnerable people (women, Roma, the young, elderly, disabled and unemployed) and the community in general. The two partners will support the work with the target groups and take part in the sessions.
Summary of project results
The project addressed the permanent social exclusion and marginalization of vulnerable groups in society through bread kneading. 20 community bread kneading events were held under the project with the participation of people with disabilities, children and the Roma in the city of Plovdiv. The joint events helped the participants mingle, overcome and accept the cultural and religious differences between them. The sessions provided information about the origin of bread, bread types, traditional decoration and preparation. The main activities were community kneading and the Bread Crumble Theatre and they can be used for similar groups. The two activities boosted the self-assessment and individual potential of the participants. A guide was published on the activities and their effect. Support Association and the Bulgarian Red Cross were the partners.
Summary of bilateral results