Increasing Financial Sustainability and Building NGO Capacity by Establishing a Mechanism for Implementation of Local Initiatives in Partnership with Local Authorities

Project facts

Project promoter:
'Future for us' Association
Project Number:
Target groups
Non governmental organisation
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 3,297
The project is carried out in:
Велико Търново / Veliko Tarnovo

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The project addresses the challenges faced by NGOs in Lyaskovets Municipality and the need of raising their financial sustainability and building their capacity. The project aims at improving the knowledge and skills of the local NGOs, young people and municipal authorities by creating a mechanism for implementation of initiatives together with the local authorities. First, 4 theoretical trainings will be held on increasing the financial sustainability and capacity of NGOs, successful initiatives, building partnership between NGOs and the local authorities and the factors conducive to the work of NGOs. Second, 3 local initiatives of public importance will be selected and implemented. Finally, the project and the outcomes will be promoted. The project will benefit not only the main target group of 10 NGOs but also the young people, volunteers and institutions in the local communities involved by increasing their collaboration.

Summary of project results

The project addressed the challenges faced by NGOs in Lyaskovets Municipality and the need of raising their financial sustainability and building their capacity. It improved the knowledge and skills of the local NGOs, young people and municipal authorities by creating a mechanism for implementation of initiatives together with the local authorities. Completely reached was the planned outcome in both the theoretical and practical parts of the project - 4 conducted trainings and 3 finished micro projects managed by the participants. Both theoretical and practical trainings were helpful for the participating NGOs to motivate them to be more open in discussing problematic areas with other stakeholders and in increasing their capacity for generating project ideas, transferring them into projects and coordinating their implementation. Successful partnership between the NGOs and local authorities was achieved by creating good environment for discussion and communication during the lectures in the theoretical part of the project.The beneficiaries were involved and motivated to take part in the project by the provided opportunity to transform an idea into a real project to be funded for implementation. The project also resulted in the start of an active dialogue between local authorities and NGOs. Also, the implemented micro-projects provided benefits not only to the participants in the training but to the other residents of Lyaskovets Municipality as well.

Summary of bilateral results