Energy effectiveness and resources efficiency through better knowledge and public awareness

Project facts

Project promoter:
University of Ruse 'Angel Kanchev'
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 62,517
The project is carried out in:

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Advanced and up-to-date methods in education and training in the fields of EE and RES are suggested to be used in the course of project implementation. 11 lecture courses will be developed at given topics. Each lecture course is supported by appropriate presentations, video materials, giving in some extent also a practical experience. The practical experience will be also supported and completed by short visits in some sites and objects, situated closely to the training places. All training activities take into account the latest versions of regulatory documents in the field of energy generation and distribution (laws, regulations, strategies, standards, etc). After a successful completion of the whole lecture course, the trainees will have knowledge to solve certain problems. These results (exchanges of experience, gaining new knowledge, best practices, know-how) will be achieved through the efforts of both organizations ("Angel Kunchev" University of Ruse and Encon Services Ltd) and of the attracted external contractors. One of the most important outcome is also the increased awareness about EE measures and solutions using RES in buildings. In the course of the project, a communication plan including 2 (two) press-conferences with 40 (forty) representatives from national and local media and persons from responsible for the energy policies in respective organizations, one project presentation on international scientific conference “Energy Efficiency and agricultural engineering” on 11-12.Nov. 2015 in University of Ruse, 4 (four) TV announcements with duration up to 5 (five) minutes are planned. The increased awareness of the stakeholders is expected to result in between 80 and 100 visits per month of the project web site from trainees, energy auditors, consultants, engineering companies, public authorities. At least 75 of the trainees will be have a strongly positive influence in their professional activities after the project end.

Summary of project results

The major expected project outcome after finalization of the project activities is increased administrative capacity and improved competency of the municipalities’ personnel. The target group of the project – personnel from municipalities and district administrations, directors of municipalities’ schools, hospitals, utility companies and others are now prepared to play more active role for searching possibilities for financing energy efficiency measures, initiation of energy management standards, carrying out energy audits. Еexpectations are that as a result of the project implementation the realization of energy efficiency measures, followed by reducing CO2 emissions, and improving the air quality in the cities and villages would be intensified. Other positive effect for the participants is their improved knowledge and experience for solving practical problems emerged from their everyday tasks in the administrations. More than 300 employees belonging to states’ and municipalities’ administrations from the Danube region got the chance to exchange experience and to learn the best practices in the field of energy efficiency, as the expected result is decreasing of energy costs in long-term future. The increased awareness of the local public, result of project “Publicity and Information” activity – 1829 web site visits till the 01.05.2016, 2 press conferences, dozens of publications, radio interviews, TV reports, and others, supports strongly the reaching of the national goals in the field of energy efficiency through the local activities.

Summary of bilateral results