The project will produce the following outcomes: 1.Leaflets and folders to be distributed to ESCOs and SMEs - via the chanel of the Bulgarian Chamber of commerce and Industry, the Union of architects and the energy agencies - they will contain general information on the objectives of the Grant, General Overview of the Training program, the activities foreseen as well as the expected outcomes. 2. Two articles in a specialized newspaper for ex. "Builders" about the progress of the training. Announces and articles and in regional media. 3. A package of lectures and exercises. 4. A Toolkit " Towards EE and RES in public buildings" with methodological guidelines. 5. Short-term plans for measures to improve the energy efficiency and to implement renewable energy generation at municipality ( district) level. 6. 105 trained experts empowered with targeted knowledge, information, best practices capable for individual, independent work and able to use innovative energy and financial solutions in their planning and implementing energy- saving and generating measures.
Summary of project results
The specific objective of the project proposal was to improve the administrative capacity to undertake energy efficiency measures and renewable energy solutions on national, regional and local level and to raise awareness of energy efficiency and solutions for utilization of renewable energy. The assessment of the project results could be considered taking into account the opinion of the following 3 groups: - of the project team – a complete satisfaction of the active participation and involvement of the trainees, the questions and the discussions (formal and none), the full presence of all trainees and the creative sharing of practices and experience in the real life; - of the trained experts –very high praise in the feedbacks, the discussions and the unformal contacts for: the competence of the lecturers, the form and the content of the lectures as well as regarding the organization of the training and the training materials – very often the training ends with applauses. - of the municipalities’, the regional inspectorates and administrations not participating in the training expressing the opinions of their experts – the training was very useful, it has to be regular, shorter but more focused as in this form it provides a lot and very various information. In order to make the project’s results, conclusions and lessons learnt known by the authorities in other regions in the country, a webinar was organized. Despite the great preparation work – 125 addressees found out and invited 4 times, short How to Guide developed for easing the participation in the webinar – the activity was not satisfactory. The conclusion is that this new format of communication with the public authorities has to be further developed as it is a very easy way for on-line information and training. A part of that, the Institute produced 1000 flyers and 100 folders with information of the Program and the Project’s outcome, distributed to all municipalities / via the network of the newsletter “Stroitely”/, state institutions and building companies. The folder was distributed to Fora on EE with participation of municipalities of the Convent of mayors.
Summary of bilateral results
The Project was implemented as a result of fruitful cooperation and interaction between all stakeholders. The European labour institute realized the project in partnership with a Norway partner Norsk Enøk og Energi AS (NEE), awarded as the best supplier of energy services within the European Union, also having a good professional background in the sector of energy efficiency in the public sector. As a whole, the experience of the partner brought value added to the trainings sharing its experience and good practices’ examples in the public-private partnership, the innovative business and financial models, but we have to take into account that there are differences in the legislation and the economic standards of both countries.