The overall objective of the project is to reduce emission of greenhouse gasses and air pollutants. This will enable to meet the objectives of increased production of renewable energy / biomass / and improve energy efficiency in public building with social and administrative importance. In addition, the project aims to increase knowledge and awareness of renewable energy and energy efficiency measures among stakeholders through exchange of best practices and experience with partners from the donor country. As a result of the project is expected to be achieved reducing greenhouse gas emissions and reduction of public expenditure to their better distribution of the local community. Besides the benefits and costs listed as indicators, the proposed investment will result in additional benefits for society and the environment by lowering the consumption of energy and resources and overall reduction of carbon emissions. The investment project of Belogradchik Municipality provides for the use of pellets. They are clean, neutral carbon dioxide fuel produced from comminuted biomass compressed under high pressure without glue or other binders. Compared with firewood they emit more heat, increasing the efficiency of boiler installations do not require large storage space and no ignition. It combines the amenities to automate the process of refueling devices for their combustion. Furthermore, wood pellets are an environmentally friendly fuel, since they are produced without the use of adhesives, chemicals, and burning does not emit harmful emissions. Efficiency (COP) of heating systems using the burning of pellets is 85% - 95% (efficiency of fireplaces is 79%) and their low pellets burn almost completely - the maximum ash content of 1.5%. Heating with pellets is perspective for family houses, residential buildings and offices and industrial buildings, which will reduce the use of non-renewable resources - firewood and coal.
Summary of project results
The project implementation resulted in additional benefits for society and the environment by lowering the consumption of energy and resources and overall reduction of carbon emissions. The investment project of Belogradchik Municipality provides for the use of pellets. They are clean, neutral carbon dioxide fuel produced from comminuted biomass compressed under high pressure without glue or other binders. Compared with firewood they emit more heat, increasing the efficiency of boiler installations do not require large storage space and no ignition. It combines the amenities to automate the process of refueling devices for their combustion. Furthermore, wood pellets are an environmentally friendly fuel, since they are produced without the use of adhesives, chemicals, and burning does not emit harmful emissions. Efficiency (COP) of heating systems using the burning of pellets is 85% - 95% (efficiency of fireplaces is 79%) and their low pellets burn almost completely - the maximum ash content of 1.5%. Heating with pellets is perspective for family houses, residential buildings and offices and industrial buildings, which will reduce the use of non-renewable resources - firewood and coal. The implementation of the project will have not only short-term results but it will generate indirectly long-term benefits as the number of the citizens increase and improve services. As a result reduction of 155 CO2 t/year is achieved.
Summary of bilateral results
Partners are two organizations with extensive experience in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy - especially bio pellets. Partner №1 - "Boost Global Innovation" has carried out consultations during project implementation and organized a visit to Bulgaria by the representatives of the two partner organizations. Furthermore organized visit to Norway for representatives of the beneficiary project. Discussed are the options for accommodation and transport options near Oslo, Norway. For the implementation of these activities appointed two members of the project team - consultant and assistant consultant. Partner №2- „Norsk Enøk og Energi AS” appointed project senior energy consultant as a member of the project team. Representative of the partner organization took part in a visit to Bulgaria, together with Partner 1 and Bulgarian partner. Partner Partner 2 participated in the visit of the Bulgarian partner to Norway within three days of 01-03.04.2016, program was prepared in advance. During visit held a training / exchange of experience and knowledge of the Bulgarian partner for the folowing topics: "Condition of energy efficiency in Norway», «Public authorities in the field of energy", "Key policy measures to improve energy efficiency of buildings in Norway», «Building Managemen Fund»,«Regulated energy consumption "and" Management of buildings: net energy consumption ," Assessment of Energy Efficiency in Buildings "," heating in the residential and industrial sectors „Cooperation and supporting financial mechanisms", "Examples of supporting financial mechanisms", "Barriers to energy renovation of buildings", "equipment for heating and cooling", "waste heat and cold", "Synergy energy system», Efficient heating and cooling from renewable energy sources and intelligent systems "," Examples of energy-efficient buildings in Norway.