The main objective of this project proposal is to be reduced the greenhouse gas emissions and to be increased the energy saving through enhansing the energy efficiency in a municipal building, providing social and administrative services. By building new heating installation, domestic hot water production installations, ventillation system and replacing the heat source, it will be achieved improvement and modernization of the living environment. This will ensure the achievement of aims of Proggramme for Energy eficency and Plan for it implementation 2014 2020 of Municipality of Rudozemq the Financial Mechanism and the EU, as well as the priorities identified in the European and national strategic documents related to the Energy and Environment Sectors.
Summary of project results
The main goal of the project to improve energy efficiency of municipal buildings providing social and educational services of population in kindergarden “Snow white” building 1 and 2, has been achieved. The goal has been achieved by delivery and installation of energy efficient boiler heating system with condensing gas boilers; storage boilers; heating elements and air conditioning units in the Kindergarten "Snow White” The building”1, full automation and control, construction of internal heating system, combined scheme with water underfloor radiant heating for the first and second heated floor and radiator heating for the basement of the building. The Supplementary agreement to the Grant contract was concluded for financing of additional activities to the project regarding еnergy efficiency improvement of municipal building providing social and educational services of population in kindergarden “Snow white” building 2. Following the implementation of the energy efficiency improvement of “SnowWhite” building 1 it was necessary to implement energy efficiency measures in the Building 2 in order to connect the two heating systems and increase their efficiency, achieving better economic indicators. In order to cover the needs of the domestic hot water, were delivered 2 combined boilers of 500 liters with 2 coils and electric heater, replacement of the piping in the building 2. All indicators have been achieved. The indicators for Project performance and the objectives set out in the proposal can be evidenced by an energy audit conducted at the earliest one year after the introduction of energy efficiency measures. As a result reduction of 20 CO2 t/year is achieved.
Summary of bilateral results
The project was implemented with the participation of partner from Norway - Greenzone. Through the involvement of partners in conferences, study visits and roundtable were shared experiences and good practices in the field of monitoring and control measures implemented to improve energy efficiency, using renewable energy sources. Experience from the Norwegian partner was very useful for Rudozem Municipality in field of energy efficiency. Two study visits were carried out in Norway between 16-21 November 2015 and 06-09 June 2016 A round table for exchange of experience and good practices was organized and held with the participation of the Partner on 14.12.2015 on "Energy efficiency characteristic of the sustainable development of Rudozem Municipality - Experience and directions for its increase" Organized and held a second roundtable for exchange of experience and good practices with the participation of the Partner on 25.08.2016 on "Low energy and passive buildings. A Major Element in Raising Energy Efficiency in Municipalities " Two study visits of the Project Partner on the territory of the Rudozem Municipality were held in the period 14-15 December 2015, including participation in the Round Table for exchange of experience and good practices and in the period 25-26 August 2016 for the monitoring of the activities and started a workshop and participated in a second round table for exchange of experience and good practices The cooperation between the Rudozem Municipality and the Partner Greenison AC will continue in the future in the form of exchange of experience, knowledge and technology.