Increasing the Environmental Awareness of Students in the Municipality of Troyan – EcoEdu

Project facts

Project promoter:
Research Institute of Mountain Stockbreeding and Agriculture - Troyan
Project Number:
Target groups
Young adults,
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 17,971
The project is carried out in:
Ловеч / Lovech


For protecting biodiversity are needed a series of measures, as the most important and essential is to work with growing-ups. Therefore the main project objectives are to build up environmental awareness in students of Troyan Municipality, a sense of nature and environmental issues, as well as the possible solutions by trainings and creating of model volunteer groups at several schools. Project will be implemented in a partnership between RIMSA and MPC for optimal use of the center’s pedagogic experience and the institute’s scientific potential. Project fulfilment includes two main stages: 1. Theoretical training 2. Practice The expected results are: - 40 trained volunteers in specific project topics; - available data to fill NBMIS; - a room for theoretical training in environmental awareness at MPC; - a training film for studied endemic plant species in the region, endangered from extinction; - 2 experimental fields for practical work of students on environmental issues. The main target group are students at the age from 11 to 15 and will include children from both sexes, as well as such from the minority groups with Roma and/or Turkish self-awareness. This will predetermine the equality between sexes, religious beliefs and ethnic origin.

Summary of project results

The project aimed to build a network of volunteers at the principal schools in Troyan municipality for protection of rare, endangered and endemic species. This was achieved through classwork and field work. Two expeditions took place, involving 20 volunteer students. Under the guidance of experts and educators, the volunteers in the expeditions collected data by locating (via GPS) about 50 plant species. When carrying out this activity, they applied the MOEW-approved Methodology for Monitoring of Higher Plants. The collected data was filled in the special form and introduced into the National Biodiversity Monitoring System (NBMS) of the Environment Executive Agency. The video footage taken during the field work was used to make a film where each of the plants was shown in its natural environment and with its distinctive morphological features. A specimen of each species was included in herbarium. The material collected and processed was put on display in the specially designed "ecological room" renovated and adequately equipped at the municipal educational centre. The herbarium of the specimens collected during the expeditions is displayed on the walls, and the film can be shown on screen. The room will also be used for training sessions with the next generation of students even after the end of the project. To ensure sustainability of the project results, the Institute of Mountain Stockbreeding and Agriculture set up two demo training and testing fields to introduce students to some of the most common species in the municipality used in agricultural practice: one for small-fruit trees species and the other one - for cereal and legume species.

Summary of bilateral results