MFORES will accomplish its overall objectives in 5 work packages (WPs) WP1: Analysis of social needs and policy targets related to forest ecosystem management Objective: to gain knowledge regarding historic and contemporary forest-related social needs (material and spiritual) and policy targets, and to clarify their influence on the MFM and the provision of multiple ES in the study region. WP2: Evaluation of the effect of environmental factors on tree growth. Objective: to determine the effect of environmental factors on growth of Abies alba, Fagus sylvatica, Pinus nigra, Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies in both the ecological limit and optimum distribution of the species. WP3: Quantification and assessment of forest and ecosystem services dynamics Objective: to adjust and apply a state-of-the-art model for the projection of forest dynamics under different management regimes and climate change scenarios, and to link the forest development to the provision of specific portfolios of ES in the modelling landscapes. WP4: Knowledge integration and recommendations Objective: to integrate data and knowledge obtained in other WPs and draw recommendations for forest managers and policy makers. WP5: Project management and dissemination Objective: to assure adequate administrative and scientific implementation of MFORES, including solving of unexpected situations and problems potentially arising during the course of the project.
Summary of project results
Use of computer models for simulation of forests development and the provision of ecosystem services under different silvicultural treatments/absence of any treatments in climate change is not practically applied in Bulgaria. That brought the necessity of initiation of the current project which was a pilot one and focusses on the Regional Forestry Directorate Smolyan’s territory. The project goal was by use of modelling to build a capacity at local level (within the local forestry administration, forest practitioners, etc.) related with the sustainable provision of ecosystem services from mountainous forests. Briefly, performed activities are as follows: - identification of stakeholders; - identification of relevant policies/ instruments; - identification of applicable forestry practices for management of mountainous forest ecosystems; - assessment of the effects of environmental factors on tree growth; - description and modelling of ecosystem services dynamics; - synthesis and integration of knowledge obtained. Impact study on selected ecosystem services and/or their relations to climate change and forest management was implemented (indicator 3.1 on Programme BG03 level) such as wood production, carbon storage, protection of soil and biodiversity. Measures/ recommendations for forest management, aimed at forest practitioners and forestry administration were identified. Those measures were based on the project results related with the modelling and the expected ecosystem services from the society (indicator 3.4.1 on Programme BG03 level). Project results were presented to 170 people from all stakeholders’ categories: state, municipal and district administration, forest practitioners, forest cooperatives, etc. The short documentary and the booklet provide a good insight of the project implementation and contribute a lot to the promotion of the results obtained. Proposed change of the regeneration period of applied fellings in forests is aimed at their owners and forest managers. Application of fellings with longer regeneration period (80 years) will contribute to more sustainable provision of ecosystem services in climate change conditions from the studied region. The correct and fruitful partnership between FRI – BAS and IFS continued during the current project implementation which is second in row for the two organization under the FM of EEA 2009 – 2014.
Summary of bilateral results
Not applicable