The purpose of the Project is to decrease solid waste quantities going to the local waste landfill through increased recycling and utilisation of generated resources from the municipal waste, with the overall objective of reducing air, land and water pollution in the Zabno commune and six adjacent communes. Reference is made to the application dated 12 April 2007 and any subsequent correspondence with the Focal Point. The completed Project shall include the following activities and results: 1. construction of a waste sorting facility based on collection of waste paper, plastics and glass separated at source; 2. purchase and installation of three recycling lines for collected material fractions; 3. purchase and installations of additional equipment for handling and refining sorted waste fractions; 4. site and inside road with asphalt pavement and 5. publicity, motivation and awareness campaign. The Project Promoter is the Zabno commune. The Focal Point shall ensure that the Project Promoter shall provide at least 31 percent of the estimated eligible project cost.