The purpose of the Project is to raise the qualifications of local government personnel of Lublin City and develop strategy for human resources development, with the overall objective to improve the quality of services provided by the local government personnel. Reference is made to the application, dated 14 December, 2007 and any subsequent correspondence with the Focal Point. The completed Project shall include the following activities and results: • Provision of postgraduate studies for employees of city administration • Provision of language courses in English, German, French, Norwegian, Russian and Ukrainian • Provision of specialist training (including computer courses in basic office software and electronic documentation circulation; management training for employees in executive position and for client service officers; and specialist courses in areas like law, public procurement, financial courses). • Consultancy courses in European funds absorption • Development of a strategy for human resources development. • Project management and publicity The Project Promoter is the City of Lublin. The Focal Point shall ensure that the Project Promoter provides at least 15 percent of the eligible project costs.