The purpose of the Project is to provide the Polish Police units working at the EU's external border with appropriate transport and specialist equipment, with the overall objective of increasing the security of the national territory and of the Schengen area. Reference is made to the application dated 29 August 2007 and to any subsequent correspondence with the Focal Point. The completed Project shall include the following activities and results: - procurement of transport equipment: 40 off-road scooters; 35 cars with mobile terminals for access to databases; 66 off-road vehicles for carrying technical support means; 25 off-road passenger vehicles for operations and escort; 8 small prison vans; 4 large prison buses; 51 heavy motorcycles with equipment (two motorcycle suits and two communication sets for each motorcycle); 1 sea vessel for the Municipal Police Command in Gdansk; - procurement of 8 mobile command stations for support during actions and operations; - procurement of specialised equipment: 10 sets of transportable tactical searchlights; 7 sets to lighten intervention sites for sapper and pyrotechnics teams; 1717 light bullet-proof jackets; and - procurement and installation of 90 digital phone exchanges. The Project Promoter is the Commander in Chief of the Police. The Project shall be implemented in partnership with the Norwegian National Police Commissioner. The Focal Point shall ensure that the Project Promoter provides at least 15 percent of the estimated eligible Project costs.